Goodwill Industries International®
2012 GILPS (Goodwill Industries Loss Prevention and Safety) Conference
November 11-14, 2012
Embassy Suites Hotel, San Antonio, TX
The Goodwill Industries Loss Prevention and Safety (GILPS) conference is a comprehensive event that provides the insights, tools and tactics to anticipate, prepare for, prevent, respond to and recover from theft, fraud, financial loss, accidents and natural disasters.
During this conference, Goodwill members are provided with educational programs and materials that address the business disciplines of the Goodwill operation such as retail, after market retail, workforce development, work services, contracts, transportation, accounting, marketing, and administration. Although the focus of the material is on loss prevention and safety, all professionals from across the Goodwill enterprise are invited to attend.
Networking with LPS practitioners throughout the goodwill enterprise
Provide members with best practice tips and tools (templates, checklists…etc.).
More than 10 educational training sessions and panel discussions offered annually at the conferences.
Access to neighboring LPS practitioners in assisting goodwill’s without an LPS practitioner.
Collaborate, communicate and share information with mainstream LPS counterparts for two days the latest strategies, best practices, and critical issues facing the retail industry and goodwill in particular.
Network with various local, state and federal law enforcement regulatory agencies throughout the United States to maintain alliances.
Hotel Reservations
Unless otherwise noted, sessions will take place at Embassy Suites Riverwalk – Downtown in San Antonio, TX. The Embassy Suites is now accepting reservations. Call 1-(800) 362-2779 or click here to reserve your room online. Be sure to mention the “2012 GILPS Conference” to receive the conference rate of $149 per night. The deadline to reserve your accommodations is October 12, 2012, but book early, as our hotel block tends to fill up quickly. The Embassy Suites cannot guarantee the conference rate if the hotel fills up before the cutoff date. Reservations made after October 12th will be subject to room availability and higher rates.

Conference Fees:
Goodwill is an entrepreneurial leader, environmental pioneer and social innovator of the “reduce, reuse, recycle” practice. To support our going green initiative, hard copies of handouts will not be provided at sessions. All session presentations and handouts will be available on MyGoodwill from at least one week before the event and until after the meeting. If you would like hard copies, you can print session materials before you leave for the conference or onsite in the Cyber Cafe.
Twitter has become a popular forum for conference attendees to communicate with each other before, during and after events. Many of your colleagues will be tweeting before, during and after the GILPS Conference; and you are invited to join in on the conversation. The official event twitter is: The official event hash tag (to facilitate searches on Twitter) is: #GIIEvents. Learn more about Twitter.
Below you will find instructions on how to set up your twitter account so you will get messages from your colleagues and continue the conversations online during the GILPS Conference in San Antonio.
Sending and receiving updates through Twitter while at the GILPS Conference helps you stay up-to-date and remain engaged with the conference. If you’re not already on Twitter, start by signing up for an account at
Once you’ve signed up, there are a few ways to get started using Twitter on the go:
- Many new smartphones come with a free Twitter application (or app) already installed. Look for the blue Twitter bird to see if your phone is already Twitter-ready.
- If you have a smartphone but don’t have Twitter installed, visit!/download on your phone and download the free app straight to your phone. Once it’s installed, just open the app and log in with your Twitter username and password. (Learn more about installing apps on Blackberry, iPhone and Android devices).
- If you don’t have a smartphone or don’t want to go the app route, you can sign up to receive Twitter updates as text messages (or SMS). Visit Twitter’s help center page to learn how to set up your phone to receive messages via SMS. Each Twitter message will count as a text message, so be sure you know what your plan looks like with your mobile provider.
Regardless of how you access Twitter, be sure to follow or subscribe to updates from the official event Twitter at Want to tweet a message to the GII events team? Start your tweet with @GIIEvent and include the hashtag #GIIEvent.