Australasian Sexual Health Conference Scientific Program Committee
David Templeton Chair Kirby Institute |
Carole Khaw Co-Chair Royal Adelaide Hospital |
Deborah Bateson ASHA President Family Planning NSW |
Jane Hocking University of Melbourne. |
Jayne Lucke Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society |
Charlotte Bell Royal Adelaide Hospital |
Louise Johnson Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority |
Graham Neilsen Stonewall Medical Centre |
Lyndall Young FAMSACA |
Ellie Freedman FAMSACA |
James Ward SAHMRI |
Peter Aggleton Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW, Australia |
Michael Burke RACGP |
Lara Roeske RACGP |
Kathleen McNamee Family Planning Victoria |
"The 2016 Australasian Sexual Health Conference Scientific Program Committee would like to recognise the contribution made by Lynne Jordan".