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Intrigue was a troubled youth, so by the time high school started he made a promise to be a “good guy.” Though that choice made him mature years before his classmates, he wound up living life from the outside looking in when it came to women and socializing. Intrigue was dateless, prom-less, friend-less, and woman-less by the end of high school. Soon after, he slid into depression. Luckily, during college he was introduced to his first girlfriend. Although she was wrong for him in every way, Intrigue dated her for two years and was considering marriage. At the time, he truly felt he would never be able to attract another woman for the rest of his life.

After finally ending the relationship and being woman-less once again at the end of 2007, Intrigue stumbled into the game. Once he realized that his future with women could be changed, he jumped into pick up head first. Intrigue literally devoured every last piece of print, audio, and video material on pick up and self help he could find and never slowed down. He began changing his thinking, his wardrobe, his actions, and his beliefs, and on top of that even lost a hundred pounds. Intrigue was changing so dramatically that his best friends couldn’t handle it and left him.

Although he was petrified of women and bars (Intrigue doesn’t drink, ever) he set out on his own to take control of his life. Intrigue used the pain of being ignored by beautiful women as his fuel to face his fears. He started to go out anywhere from 3-7 nights a week and did up to 50 approaches for the next four years. Despite countless rejections and nearly everyone who knew what he was doing telling him he was crazy, Intrigue plowed forward and piece by piece started to get it.

Intrigue put so much work into his journey and changed so drastically that he felt the need to help others. Intrigue made a new goal to become an instructor. Out of all the material he was consuming, the only techniques that really worked in the field were from Love Systems. In 2009 Intrigue dropped out of college, invested in himself, and took a bootcamp with Braddock to pursue his goal.

The bootcamp skyrocketed his success even more, and he wished he had taken one right from the start to cut his learning curve in half. After volunteering to help coach workshops for the next two years under master instructors, Intrigue earned his evaluation at the 2011 Super Conference and was asked to join the Love Systems team.

Since Intrigue started at such a low point and had to overcome so many crippling beliefs, he knows that anyone can be successful with women. He teaches with the same passion that he used to change his life. Intrigue has an extremely deep knowledge of theory and a wealth of field experience that give him a unique perspective as an instructor. There hasn’t been a sticking point he hasn’t dealt with and conquered himself. Intrigue now dates the beautiful women he deserves, and teaches men how to do the same in a fraction of the time.

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