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Helicase's dedication to Love Systems and ability to pinpoint and break down any student's sticking point instantly make him a great instructor. He is also deeply passionate about helping others overcome the same lonely frustrations he outwitted through Love Systems.

Helicase started off in the same place as many of you reading this. He describes his high school years as FRUSTRATING, lonely and awkward. A total geek, even when a really cute girl had a crush on him in 9th grade... and she got him alone in her room while working on a school project (good thing he's smart)... he still couldn't get his first kiss. Four years and no prom later he headed off to college where he hoped his intelligence would FINALLY pay dividends with cute girls.

When the girls in college were barely more receptive than the girls in high school, he just hoped he would get rich, meet an amazing woman and make her his wife. But once he reached success he realized this was not a solution either. Successful everywhere else in life, he tried by trial and error everything popular culture had shown him. Be super nice, buy girls flowers, just keep chasing them until you win them over.

Just more of the same; the girl would always end up leaving with some other guy, or it was just random unpredictable success. But still eventually, by pigheaded determination, a lot of tiny improvements came.

Then after a bad breakup ("how could I ever do better than her?"), he found Love Systems. He followed the system meticulously, and became good enough to become another instructor's wingman. After going out 5 nights a week for 3 months straight he was invited to become an Approach Coach, and then in Vegas that year, an instructor.

So much has changed on the outside, but he still sees himself as a 'slightly cooler' geek. Even though he consistently shows up (or leaves) with the hottest girl on his arm. "There is nothing like the company of a smart, sexy woman to make a great night perfect."

He's run the dating gauntlet: Professional Cheerleaders, Artists & Playmates, to gorgeous Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers and Nurses; from relaxed to crazy and even self-loathing.

He is also deeply passionate about helping others overcome the same lonely frustrations he outwitted through Love Systems.

Besides being a Love Systems instructor Helicase is starting his 2nd company, and is a budding professional poker player. To be continued...

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