2015 LATAM Regional Conference on June 16th and 17th
Day 1: Operational Intelligence Day

Tuesday, June 16th
07:30 Registration and Welcome coffee
08:30 Welcome Adam Taqui - OSIsoft
08:45 Transform Your World with Data Martin Otterson - OSIsoft

Information as Input for the Operation of the National Interconnected System

Juvenor Pereira da Silva Jr - ONS

09:45 Panel - Current Challenges in the Latin American Electrical Sector
Opening: Everett Wakai - USA Commercial Consul
             Mediator: José Sidnei Colombo Martini
   - Ítalo Freitas Filho, AES Eletropaulo
   - ONS
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Connected Cows
Danilo Bordini - Microsoft
11:30 Time and Space Integration to Improve Situational Awareness Maria Alice - OSIsoft
Alessandro Diniz - Imagem Esri
12:00 From Localized Data to Enterprise Big Data Analytics and Visualization
Silverio Cavazos - OSIsoft
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Turning Data Into Actionable Information Anderson Amaral - OSIsoft
14:30 Energy Consumption Optimization of Wastewater treatment plants based in Process Situation
Walberth Perdigão 
- VSB Tubos

15:00 Itaipu Plant 3D Modeling  Airton Bordin Jr. - PTI Itaipu
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Utilizing PI Notifications in the Predictive Maintenance Raquel Goulart - Klabin
16:30 Operational Visibility and Structured Analysis - Getting Value with the PI System Danilo C. Lucena - Suzano
17:00 Management in the Post Digital Era Walter Longo
18:00 Closing OSIsoft
18:30 Cocktail