Click here to download the Call for Sessions guidelines.

The CSCMP EDGE 2019 Call for Sessions is an opportunity to educate and engage an audience of nearly 3,000 supply chain professionals from over 30 countries and industries.

You are invited to submit an education session proposal for the 2019 EDGE Conference in Anaheim, California.  If your session is selected, you will have the benefit of connecting with other conference speakers and attendees, and a chance to reinforce your reputation as a thought leader in supply chain management.

All submissions must meet the requirements outlined below and are due no later than 11:59 PM CST, Tuesday, January 15, 2019. The online system must be used. Submissions sent via email will not be considered.

To access the submission form, please go to the 'Login' button above and create your account. 

Submission Requirements

  • The Call for Sessions is a member-only benefit. For your session to be considered the submitter MUST be a member. 
  • Your session proposal must be applicable to one or more of the 2019 Education Tracks.
  • Not all session ideas submitted will be selected by the committee and/or track chairs.
  • There is no cost to participate in the Call for Sessions.
  • You may submit only a maximum of two submissions per presenter.
  • Companies can submit no more than three sessions however the conference committee will only select one session idea per company.
  • Each session submitted by a service provider/consultant/vendor must also include at least one manufacturer/retailer.

To assist the EDGE Conference Committee, please make sure your submission specifically identifies the content you intend to present, avoiding broad topics, and selecting the track of which it would best reside.

Consider CSCMP attendees who are seeking activity and engagement during the learning process. Examples of an effective format for engaging attendees is workshop style, or open discussion forums. You will have the opportunity to select your presentation format during the submission process.

Each submission should:

  1. Serve to educate and bring value to attendees (‘Selling’* is not permitted).
  2. Include takeaways and objectives for attendees to use when they return to their organizations.
  3. Include at least one manufacturer/retailer if submitted by a consultant/vendor.

*What is considered selling?
"Sales" presentations focused on a specific product, service, or company will not be accepted; speakers that present in such a way at CSCMP EDGE will not be permitted to speak again.

CSCMP considers selling as outlining or describing a product or service to attendees more than once. Although CSCMP allows speakers to introduce themselves and provide a 1-2-minute summary of their company, speakers may NOT ask for or encourage attendee contact information, hand out giveaways such as keychains or pens or show company commercials or videos. Unless it is supportive of research or data, speakers may not mention their company’s services or benefits for professional gain.

Speaker Information

All speaker information must be entered into the online system for the submission to be considered. CSCMP will not consider third party submissions; meaning marketing firms or agencies applying on behalf of their client MAY NOT APPLY.

If you are submitting on behalf of other speakers/panelists, you must enter each speakers’ contact information online. Please do not use your personal contact information, ONLY enter in the speakers’ contact information. Each speaker must complete a speaker agreement upon submission.

Please note:

  • All information submitted may be used in conference brochures, conference website, mobile app, and onsite guide.
  • Each session submitted by a service provider/consultant/vendor must also include at least one manufacturer/retailer.

Speaker Agreement

An online agreement must be signed by all speakers at the time of submission for your session to be considered. Please make sure your co-speaker(s) complete the following agreement: 

2019 EDGE Speaker Confirmation Form

Session Title

  • Please limit the session title to 12 words or less.
  • Titles should describe the session content.

Session Format

  • 60 minutes including Q&A
    • 5 minutes: Introduction (Speakers and Session)
    • 40-45 minutes: Session Content
    • 10-15 minutes: Q&A
  • Panel discussions are limited to one moderator and no more than four panelists (a total of 5 presenters)
  • If your session is selected CSCMP will provide a PPT template for your presentation. 

Session Description

In 350 characters or less, provide an interesting and compelling summary of your session for review by CSCMP's EDGE Committee. Explain, for example, the challenges and barriers faced; the method/analysis that was used; the conclusion or outcomes achieved; and recommendation (s) related to the topic (without selling). 
This description will be used for promoting your session if chosen. Creative content will make your session more attractive to attendees.  

Learning Objectives

  • Provide two (2) learning objectives as an outline of what attendees will learn from your session.
  • Start each objective with measurable action verbs (e.g., assess, state, list, describe, identify, explain, etc.).
  • Create objectives that are succinct and concrete to avoid misinterpretation. Objectives should be different from the benefits specified in the session description.
  • Two (2) learning objectives are required for consideration.

Attendee Takeaways (Optional)

Consider 1 to 2 takeaways* for attendees to take back to their company and apply or implement right away.

Samples of takeaway(s) include:

  • Benchmarking worksheets (consider excel formats)
  • Case Studies
  • Checklist
  • Forms/templates
  • Sample Reports
  • Lessons learned (for those experiencing a situation and for those who can plan ahead)
  • Policies and procedures
  • Assessment forms

*CSCMP is not responsible for the printing, shipping or distributing of takeaways and is solely the responsibility of the presenter(s).