19th World Congress on Disaster & Emergency Medicine

Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor

Purpose: The Congress will help to improve the scientific basis for disaster and emergency health practice and to translate scientific evidence into improved practice and outcomes with state-of-the-art lectures, round table discussions, selected oral sessions, workshops, and poster presentations. 

Delegate Profile: Disaster (crisis) and emergency health requires involvement of a multitude of disciplines that is inclusive of all professionals concerned with disaster and emergency health. Examples include personnel representing the humanitarian community, physicians, nurses, pre-hospital and in-hospital emergency medical services personnel, public health planners and practitioners, veterinarians, dentists, planners, administrators, politicians, operational organizations, and all those who provided services in the continuum of preventive (population) through emergency and definitive medical care. Of the 700 expected delegates - 50% will be attending from Africa, 20% from Asia, 20% from Europe, and 10% from other parts of the world.

As a Sponsor or Exhibitor, your team will have the opportunity to network with these valuable contacts, providing opportunities to:
• Increase your brand’s strength and image in the marketplace
• Gain differentiation from your competitors
• Target your message and marketing
• Increase access to national and international markets
• Increase sales and exposure

For information on commercial opportunities, please contact Monica Sayers:

WCDEM Conference Secretariat
c/o International Conference Services Ltd.
Phone: +1 (604) 681 2153 
Fax: +1 (604) 681 1049 
Floor Plan
WCDEM 2015 List of exhibitors for the on-site program


TT = Table Top
Advanced Vehicle Engineering # 5
African Federation for Emergency Medicine  TT # K
Bio-Oil # 25
Cambridge University Press TT # L
Collaborating Centre for Oxford University & CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian
Response (CCOUC)
TT # I
Dimension Data # 29
Draeger # 1
Emergency Medical Society of South Africa TT # J
Gift of the Givers # 2 & 3
Gifts of Afrika TT # M
International Conference on Emergency Medicine 2016
TT # C
KMC-Emergo Train System # 28
Lodox Systems # 23
Major Incident Hospital TT#D
mdBriefCase  #6
Medicare Hospital Equipment (PTY) LTD # 26 & 27
MoBurnZa TT # H
National Library of Medicine # 11
National Critical Care & Trauma Response Centre # 24
People in Disaster Conference TT # G
Philips # 14
Prometheus Medical SA # 4
Stryker # 10
Teleflex Medical # 15
South African Tourisum Lounge Area
World Association for Disaster & Emergency Medicine/World Congress on Disaster &
Emergency Medicine 2017
# 12 & 13
Zoll Medical Corporation # 22
