4th WCO Global AEO Conference


Bureau van Dijk is in the business of certainty.


We capture and treat private company information for better decision making and increased efficiency. We deliver the richest, most reliable private company information, corporate structures, beneficial ownership and deal information in the market.


Our solutions help you investigate companies including: company identification and verification, identifying company locations, assessing and comparing peers, analysing financial performance and risk, understanding corporate groups, identifying beneficial owners and the individuals associated with companies, and PEPs and Sanctions investigations.


Our Orbis database has information on more than 280 million companies from all countries worldwide.




Exhibition booth 2




KGH Border Services is an independent and global consulting company, specialized in Trade, Customs and Border Management, assisting governments and companies all over the world with Customs and cross-border trade efficiency, security and compliance.


With more than 50 years of experience and headquartered in Gothenburg Sweden, with offices across Europe and Middle East, KGH is providing consulting services with clear outcomes for improved Trade and Customs management, security and compliance. KGH employs more than 700 customs experts, with extensive experience from government and private sector, and serves more than 50 government clients and 14,000 companies with Trade and Customs services.


KGH is global market leaders on Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) programs and has recently implemented AEO programs in several countries, including Australia, UAE, Brazil, Uruguay and Saudi Arabia.


To learn more about KGH, please visit: http://www.kghborders.com


Exhibition booth 15




IRU is the world’s road transport organisation. We lead solutions to help the world move better, supporting trade, economic growth, jobs, safety, the environment and communities.


IRU’s work spans more than 100 countries. Our core constituents are national transport associations and transport operators. But we also work closely with business, governments, the UN and international organisations.

