Ultraviolet (UV) photons are diagnostic of many stellar and planetary processes, including system formation, planet atmospheres, habitability, stellar activity, and star-planet interactions. With very limited access to UV observations of exoplanetary systems, it is time to bring the exoplanet, stellar, and solar-system communities together to discuss the state of knowledge, identify the missing information, and plan the instrumentation needed for future space-based UV observatories.
REGISTRATION ENDS on April 28th, 5pm MST/PDT, please register before then!
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Dave Brain (CU)
Catherine Espaillat (BU)
Kevin France (UCBoulder)
Cynthia Froning (UT)
Walt Harris (UA)
Amanda Hendrix (PSI)
R. Parke Loyd (ASU)
Meredith MacGregor (UCBoulder)
Victoria Meadows (UW)
Ruth Murray-Clay (UCSC)
Shouleh Nikzad (JPL)
Antonija Oklopčić (Harvard)
James Owen (ICL)