California 4-H State Field Day

Plant Science Contest

4-H Plant Science Contest Information

May 17, 2025, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
UC Davis Hart Hall

All youth ages 9-18 are welcome to participate!
Drop-in to the contest room anytime during the contest hours to participate.

4-H Plant Science teaches youth...

  • Applied biological/agricultural sciences including production of all plants.
  • Insight into agriculture and develop understanding of the basic principles of plant physiology as they relate to plant growth and development.
  • An understanding of the methods and values of scientific research and its influence on plants and soils.
  • The use of biotechnology as it pertains to the development of new and improved plant varieties.
  • The role of plant nutrients, water and soil in plant growth and the geographic areas suited for plant growth.
  • The use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as part of an overall crop production system.

Contest Rules

The Plant Science Contest is organized into three parts:

  1. Judging
  2. Plant Identification
  3. Written

The contest provides opportunities for you to:

  • Increase your knowledge of horticultural plants and horticultural/plant science techniques
  • Expand your ability to identify various plants
  • Interact with other youth interested in plant science. 

National Qualifier

The four highest scoring senior-age 4-H youth (15-18) will be eligible to represent California as part of the California 4-H Plant Science Team in the Senior Horticulture Identification and Judging Contest at the National Junior Horticultural Association contest.

Individual California 4-H youth may attend the convention and participate as individual contestants in contests besides the Senior Horticulture Identification and Judging Contest.

Contest Resources

National Junior Horticultural Association (NJHA)

NJHA Study Manual - A good online resource for 4-H members interested in doing independent research on plant science

University of California (UC) Master Gardener Program - The UC Master Gardener Program extends UC research-based information about home horticulture and pest management to the public.

Contest Contacts

Questions? Please contact
Competition Coordinator: 
Anna Richards and Heidi Lavell 
Please contact us at