Photography Contest

Virtual Photography Contest Information

The California 4-H Photography Contest provides regular 4-H youth members across the state with a new opportunity to showcase their photographs and receive feedback from knowledgeable evaluators on their progress in learning a variety of photography concepts.

The contest has been adapted into a virtual format to provide a more equitable opportunity for youth across the state. The photographs will be uploaded to a virtual photo gallery for everyone to view. A viewing room at State Field Day will be available where we will present a slideshow of all the photographs entered into the contest. 


Contest Requirements

The California 4-H Photography Contest provides an opportunity for 4-H members ages 9-18, as of December 31, 2024, to showcase their best photographs taken within the past 4-H year. There are no prior requirements to enter this state-level competition.

Contest Divisions

  • Division I: Junior (age 9-10)
  • Division II: Intermediate (age 11-13)
  • Division III: Senior (ages 14-18)


Contest Rules

  • You must register online in order to participate
  • A Limit of 2 photographs per person may be entered
  • Photograps must be in a .jpeg, .jpg, or .png file format and be submitted in high quality (150 dpi or higher).
  • Photographs should be named in the following way: Full Name_County_AgeDivision_PhotoTitle (example JaneSmith_Mono_Senior_BodieGhostTown)
  • You do not have to be a member of the photography project to participate.

Contest Schedule

  • Evaluation Period: May 1-23, 2024
  • State Filed Day Gallery Viewing: May 25, 10 am-2 pm
  • State Field Day Virtual Award Ceremony: May 26, 2024

Contest Resources

A new handbook is now available! Click the link below to find information about all aspects of the contest, including a full list of contest rules, awards and recognition, evaluation criteria, and more. Competition entries that do not follow the rules above are subject to be marked down on their score or not accepted at all.

Handbook Photography Contest

Contest Contact

Questions? Please contact
Competition Coordinator: John Trammell at