California 4-H State Field Day

Insect Identification (Entomology) Contest

Insect Identification Contest Information

May 17, 2025, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
UC Davis Hart Hall

All youth ages 9-18 (and even 6-8) are welcome to participate!   Intermediate and senior division youth (and adults as well) will have the opportunity to identify 45-50 insects to order and type of insect (sphinx moth, long-horned borer beetle).  Junior and intermediate age participants will have 25 insects to identify to type of insect (beetle, butterfly, leafhopper, fly, etc.) from the  60 types of insects on their list. 

We will also have an insect display from the UC Davis Bohart Museum of Entomology.

Volunteers needed:  4-5 volunteers will be needed to help youth check-in/register, monitor contest participants, and help score answer sheets.   


youth member identifying bugs

Contest Requirements

  • You do not have to be signed up in a 4-H Entomology Project to participate.
  • All youth ages 9-18 can register. 


Youth member identifying two different specimens at the Entomology Contest

Contest Rules

Contestants will be provided a sheet that contains the insect orders and/or types of insects that are 'fair game' for the 2025 contest, and will only need to write the appropriate letter/number on the answer sheet.   For intermediate and senior members,  every 5th specimen will also have a multiple choice question regarding entomology (metamorphosis, type of mouth parts, insect habitat, order name meaning, etc.).



Contest Resources 

Review the Order and Specimen List:



Contest Contact

Questions? Please contact

Competition Coordinator: Michael Rethwisch at

preserved bug specimens in a display case

Some of the specimen from UC Davis Bohart Museum of Entomology.