Forestry Contest
Results will be shared during the Awards Ceremony on May 18, 2025.
Certificates and pins will be mailed to UCCE 4-H county offices.
*Pending that a full and qualified group of members competes
Forestry Contest Information
All youth ages 9-18 are welcome to participate! Potential exhibitors can expect to test their knowledge of tree identification, topographic map reading, and general questions about the field of forestry.
The contest provides opportunities for you to:
- Increase your knowledge of forestry and knowledge related to forest management
- Expand your ability to identify various forest trees
- Better understand basic cartography

General Forestry - 10 questions (10 points)
Questions will come from either the National Forestry Bowl practice questions or the 2019 Quiz Bowl and Exam Study Guide.
Tree Identification (10 points)
Participants will ID 10 different trees at random pulled from the national competition list.
Topographic Maps (10 points)
Participants will have to read USGS topographic maps at a scale of 1:24,000 and identify 8 map symbols and geographic features.
Participants will need to determine the elevation difference from one feature to another (this requires them to understand contour lines)
Lastly, they will need to measure the distance from one location to another using a map scale and ruler
Forest Health - Insects and Diseases (10 points)
Youth will need to identify 5 different insects and 5 different diseases. All pulled from the national list.
Identification will include either the physical insect or evidence of the insects.
Contest Contacts
Questions? Please contact
Competition Coordinator: John Trammel at