State Field Day Registration Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I check in on the day of State Field Day?
You will receive an email closer to the date of State Field Day with arrival and parking directions that will let you know where to go.
Why is there a $10 fee to participant in the contests?
There is a $10 flat fee for each 4-H member that is participating in a contest. 4-H members may sign up for as many contests as they plan to participate in for the one fee.
The fee will help cover the costs of this event, such as facilities, certificates, pins, awards, supplies, printing, lunches for volunteers, etc.
Any member who is unable to pay the $10 entry free may turn in a Request for Fee Waiver Form to
Will there be food provided?
Food trucks and a coffee cart will be available to purchase food items from.
How will I get my certificate and award?
After State Field Day contests are tabulated certificates and awards will be mailed to your county office who will then distribute the awards out.
Am I able to change or add more contests to my registration?
Yes! You can make changes and adjustments to your registration up until the date registration closes. You will need the information below to log back into your registration:
Reference Number, Email, Re-edit Link:
You will find this information on your confirmation email.
I am participating in team contests, does everyone in my group have to register?
The **Presentation, Robotics and Avian Bowl contests have options of participating in teams. All other contests are individual contests.
All participating team members must complete a registration form. All team members (including the Team Lead) must:
- Provide the same Team Name (Avian Bowl and Robotics) or Presentation Title (Presentations Contest). Please be sure that everyone on your team agrees on the name prior to begining the registration. Each team member must write the same team name.
- Include the first and last name of the Team Lead, there will only be one Team Lead per team. Please sure the entire team agrees and that the chosen person is aware of their role. Each team member must write the same team lead name.
The designated Team Lead must also:
- List list each team members (including the Team Lead) full first and last name and age. Make sure you know the names and ages (as of 12/31/2024) of every member of your team prior to registering.
- Sign up for a time slot for the Team to compete in the contest (Presentations)
** Additional instructions for Presentations Contest: For a qualified Team Presentation, ALL of the presenters must register and be present to participate. For Share the 4-H Fun Skits, fewer team members may be present but teams cannot add new members.
When can I find out how I placed in a contest?
We will be sharing the placement of all levels for each contest during the Awards Ceremony live streamed on Sunday May 18, 6:00-8:00PM on the California 4-H YouTube Channel.
Who do I contact if I have questions about my registration?
Registration system questions: Contact UC ANR Program Support Unit
General State Field Day Questions: Contact
Specfic Contest Questions: Please contact the contest coordinator directly you will find their email listed at the bottom of each contest page.