June 1-5, 2020



Student and trainee participation is an integral part of the GCMAS annual meeting. We enthusiastically invite students and postdoctoral trainees to take advantage of the following opportunities.
Student Travel Award Program
Student travel awards are intended to assist students in the cost of attending the annual conference. All pre-doctoral students affiliated with a specific educational/training program are eligible. Download the application form (including eligibility and scoring guidelines) here. The deadline for applications is March 21, 2020 at 11:59 PM Central Time. Questions regarding the Student Travel Scholarship Application should be directed to Dr. Christina Bickley (GCMAS Education Council Chair; CBickley@twu.edu).
Mentorship Program
Since 2009, the GCMAS Education Committee has organized a mentorship program in which student or postdoctoral mentees are matched with a volunteer mentor based on mutual research interests and the mentee’s desired career path. The goal of this program is to facilitate dialog among students/postdocs and professionals in a supportive manner, where knowledge, skills, and experiences are shared, and where networking relationships are cultivated. Typically, mentors and mentees meet over lunch or during a scheduled break at the annual meeting.
Individuals who would like to participate in this program at the 2020 Meeting are encouraged to contact Student Representative Ashwini Sansare (ashwini@udel.edu) with the following information:
  • Name and institution
  • Preferred contact information (mailing address, email address, phone, etc.)
  • Are you a potential mentor, or mentee?
  • What are your primary research interests? (brief summary)
  • What is your current role, and what are your professional goals?
The GCMAS Education Council will attempt to match each mentee with an appropriate mentor. Notification of mentor/mentee matches will be sent in early March 2020. Following notification, it is the mentee’s responsibility to contact his/her assigned mentor. In addition, enrollment in this program is available through the meeting registration website.
Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award
The Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award is given to the student or postdoctoral trainee who gives the most outstanding oral presentation at the 2020 Meeting (as judged by the Awards Council). This award for young investigators includes a certificate and travel funds to be used by the recipient to attend the following year’s meeting. All students and postdoctoral trainees who are members of GCMAS are eligible and will be automatically considered for this award based on their participation at the 2020 Meeting.
Membership in GCMAS
The annual fee for Student and Trainee membership in GCMAS is $10. Students and trainees must be members of GCMAS to be considered for the Travel Scholarship Program and the Kevin Granata Young Investigator Award. Members receive society newsletters, discounted registration fees, and reduced subscription rates to Gait & Posture. Student and trainee members also have access to the student section of the GCMAS website, which contains information about graduate programs and tips for career development. Additional information on student and trainee membership is available at http://www.gcmas.org/memberships. Membership signup is also available on this website at the time of conference registration.
Annual Meeting Roommate Finder
Students that are interested in locating a roommate to share a hotel room should contact Ashwini Sansare (GCMAS Student Representative; ashwini@udel.edu) before March 15, 2020. Please provide the following information:
  • Your name and gender
  • Email address and phone number
  • Planned arrival date and departure dates
  • Roommate preferences:
  • How many people you would like to share a room with (i.e. 1, 2 or 3)?
  • Smoking/Nonsmoking?
  • Contact information for a faculty advisor who can serve as a personal reference.
In early April, we will provide you with a list of potential roommates. Once you have received information regarding potential roommates, it will be your responsibility to establish contact and make hotel arrangements.
PLEASE NOTE: The Student Roommate Finder service is provided by GCMAS as a service to students and trainees attending the annual conference. GCMAS assumes no responsibility for communications which arise from this service. GCMAS also assumes no financial responsibility for any arrangements made through this service. GCMAS cannot verify the accuracy of any contact information acquired through this service, and takes no responsibility for screening or matching prospective roommates. GCMAS encourages you to make arrangements with conference attendees you know personally, or whose identities can be verified by third parties.
Updates on Facebook and Twitter
Updates on the 2020 conference and activities in West Chester, PA will be posted on Facebook ( www.facebook.com/gcmas) and Twitter ( www.twitter.com/gcmas). Follow along!
Student Representative
Your current student representative is Ashwini Sansare. If you have any questions, please contact her at ashwini@udel.edu. If you are interested in serving on a committee or as the student representative in the future, please let Jenny know as we are always looking for students that are willing to get involved.