World Nuclear Association September 2024 Working Groups

15-16 April, Almaty, Kazakhstan

About Working Groups

Working Groups are exclusive forums that convene regularly in order to allow members to share best practice, conduct analysis, and develop consolidated positions on economic, safety and environmental issues. Several Groups act as the interface for industry at standard and policy-setting organisations, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the International Commission for Radiological Protection (ICRP) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the OECD. Each Group is chaired by an expert from a member company, and has a mentor assigned to it from the Board. Administrative and technical support is provided by the Secretariat. The Members’ Forum provides an update on the overall programme of work of the Association, including key initiatives within the Working Groups, and offers an opportunity for members to provide feedback. This Forum also hosts presentations on industry issues that are of general interest across all Groups.

The April Working Group meetings will take place in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on 15-16 April 2024. Advanced registration is required and will close on Wednesday 10 April at 17.00 BST. Working Group meetings are exclusively for World Nuclear Association member companies.  

Time zone change

Please note that as of the 1 March Kazakhstan has transitioned to a single time zone, UTC+5. We encourage delegates to double-check their devices and meeting times to ensure that updates have been made accordingly.


Travel update

Despite recent travel disruptions in the Middle East, we wanted to reassure you that the Working Group meetings in Almaty, Kazakhstan are proceeding as scheduled. Please inform us if you are experiencing disruptions to your plans or if have any additional inquiries (