The Don Cesar, St. Pete


What is the distance from the Airport to the resort?
Louisville International Airport (SDF) Approximately 6 miles to the Omni Louisville

What if I have special dietary requirements?
Please note any dietary requirements during your registration and we will be more than happy to accommodate these requests. Dietary restrictions not disclosed during registration cannot be guaranteed.

Once I’ve registered, can I modify my registration?
You will be able to make changes to your profile or agenda at any time while registration is open. All registrations are final and non-refundable. Any cancellations must be requested in writing to

What is the weather like?
During the month of April, the average high is 70 with evening temperatures in the mid 40s.

What is the dress code?
We're an informal community. Business casual is sufficient during the day.

  • Sunday evening is a nice, yet casual, reception with great live music.
  • Monday evening is a more relaxed & fun rodeo-themed event with a big surprise.
  • Tuesday evening is our derby-themed Awards Night. Don't forget your hats and your seersucker for this immersive evening!

Do I need my laptop during the day?
There is no need to have your laptop during the day unless it’s your preference.
Any customers attending a workshop session need to ensure they have their laptop on hand.

How many can attend from each customer?
So everyone who wants to can attend, we recommend each customer maintain a 3-attendee limit. If you would like more than 3 to attend, please contact us so we can check availability prior to registration.