This year, there will be a strong focus on AI within Oracle products.
Not sure what to present? Browse the list of trending topics for Ascend 2025:
Have personal experience with the subject matter as an Oracle Applications User or incorporate the perspective and first-hand experience of a User into the presentation.
Commit to actively participating in the event before, during, and after Ascend 2025 to engage with fellow presenters and registrants, answer questions, and share knowledge, both face-to-face and online.
Commit to sharing and promoting Ascend 2025 within their networks.
As a benefit to presenting, you will recieve a deeply discounted conference registration price ($195 for User Speakers and $495 for Associate Speakers) as well as CPE credits. Visit our benefit page for more information on presenter benefits.
1. Determine if you are a User (Customer) Speaker or an Associate (Partner) Speaker:
User (Customer) Speakers
Individuals who work for a company/organization that utilizes at least one Oracle product or service in a business capacity, and does not resell services, support, Oracle products, or complimentary products to its customers.
Associate (Partner) Speakers
Individuals who work for a company that sells to Oracle Users - products, services, support, or other complimentary offerings to Oracle products or services. Regardless of your business use of Oracle products, if you meet any of the Associate Speaker criteria, you are an Associate.
2. Review the Ascend 2025 Education Tracks.
3. Consider your topic and how it addresses users' educational needs. Sessions that promote moving off Oracle platforms will not be considered.
4. View the Application Guidelines.
5. Complete the application form no later than Friday, January 24, 2025, which consists of biographical information, plus:
6. Submit a Presentation proposal.
Oracle employees interested in speaking at Ascend can submit a proposal via the Call for Presentations or speak to your Oracle Product Lead and inform them you would like to present at Ascend 2025.
Please email Ascend Speaker if you are unsure who your product lead is.
Reach a targeted audience of customers by sponsoring a Vendor Awareness Session in a meeting room near the education sessions. Deliver a 60-minute showcase of how your product or service solves the current challenges faced by Oracle Users. A lead retrieval unit captures attendance details for post-event marketing efforts. Please email Ascend Speaker to learn more about Vendor Awareness Session opportunities.
Attendees in 2024
Events & Sessions