Meridian's Event Code of Conduct (the "Code") applies to all events hosted by Meridian, whether at Meridian's facilities or elsewhere.

All attendees at Meridian events are expected to comply with this Code. Meridian's goal is for all attendees to have a positive and rewarding exerience at Meridian events. Meridian has established this Code to provide guidelines to attendees and to ensure that all attendees understand what behaviour is expected, and what behavior will not be tolerated, at Meridian events.

Expected Behavior

All attendees are expected to:

  • Treat other attendees, participants, and Meridian staff with respect and consideration
  • Respect the policies of the meeting venue or other facilities associated with a Meridian event
  • Comply with all applicable laws in the location where the event is being held  

Unacceptable Behavior

Unacceptable behavior includes:

  • Offensive behavior or language that in any way disrupts the event, any event session, or another person's participation in or attendance at the event
  • Drinking in an irresponsible manner
  • Using and/or distributing illegal drugs
  • Inappropriate photography or recording
  • Violence, threats of violence, or violent language directed against another person
  • Disruptive or disrespectful behavior during the event
  • Discrimination, retaliation, and harassment based on race, religion, color, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, age, familial status, disability, genetic information, protected veteran status, or any other protected class.

Reporting Unacceptable Behavior

If you witness or are subject to unacceptable behavior during a Meridian event, please notify Meridian staff at the conference or as soon after the conference as possible, either in person, by email (events@meridian.coop), or by phone (770-414-8400, ext. 2643). All reported concerns will be treated seriously and promptly investigated.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior

Attendees displaying unacceptable behavior will be asked to stop such behavior. If such behavior continues, Meridian at its sole discretion may take such actions as it deems reasonably appropriate or necessary, including asking the attendee to leave the event, disqualifying the attendee from future events, and/or obtaining the assistance of event security or local law enforcement. No refunds will be given to attendees removed for unacceptable behavior.