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MISSION: To recognize and encourage outstanding students to pursue studies to prepare them for a career in the forensic science profession.
INFORMATION: The AFTE Scholarship Endowment Fund is a financial program whereby investment income from the fund is used to support the AFTE Scholarship Program. AFTE awards $2000.00 annually to students seeking a career in Forensic Science. Applications will be reviewed and recipients chosen by the Scholarship Committee prior to the annual AFTE Training Conference.
COMMITTEE DUTIES: The Scholarship Committee will review the submitted applications within the designated timeframe as determined by the Scholarship Committee Chair. The Committee will select the recipient(s) of the scholarships based upon the following factors:
Full Auto Benefactor - Donations either in a lump sum or cumulatively of $10,000 and over
50 Caliber Patron - Donations either in a lump sum or cumulatively of $5,000 - $9,999
Hardened Steel Sponsor - Donations either in a lump sum or cumulatively of $1,000 - $4,999
Nickel Level Contributor - Donations either in a lump sum or cumulatively of $500 - $999
Copper Level Contributor - Donations either in a lump sum or cumulatively of $100 - $499
Brass Level Contributor - Donations up to the amount of $99
Please note: the donor list is published in the newsletter and on the website, but donations can remain anonymous if you choose.