About Us

Our Mission

The University of California’s Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services (ECAS) develops and administers the compliance and audit programs for the UC system, reinforcing “the University’s duty to perform its public responsibilities in an ethical and compliance-based environment where applicable legal, regulatory, Regental and Presidential policies are followed and in which the public trust is maintained.”


What We Do

ECAS is responsible for coordinating audit, compliance, and investigations efforts across the UC system. This work heavily relies on the coordinated efforts of audit and compliance partners embedded within each of the ten campuses, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), the UC Office of the President (UCOP), the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), and six health systems. This shared effort allows the system to leverage ECAS' expertise throughout the system, identifying opportunities to strengthen our compliance and risk management, and designing improvements in a measured and proactive manner.

Why The Symposium Matters

ECAS works closely with the campuses, health systems, LBNL, and ANR in identifying shared risk priorities. This collective effort allows the University of California to identify best practices, address emerging issues that may impact the University, and ensure compliance with regulatory and policy requirements.

The UC Ethics, Compliance and Audit Symposium seeks to promote these collaborations, by creating an environment where existing and emergent compliance, audit, and investigative priorities are shared and discussed. At the Symposium, you will have an opportunity to attend in-person sessions led by respected compliance, legal, risk and audit professionals, as well as federal and industry partners, covering a range of topics and engage in discussions with colleagues across the UC system.

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