
Call for Poster Abstracts  


The California Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy is seeking abstract submissions for its 2024 meeting poster session. This year’s session is open to submissions from students and professionals. Students accepted to present a poster may compete for a cash award for the top three posters. The society seeks science-based abstracts in fields related to agricultural and environmental stewardship. Conference sessions emphasize nutrient, water and pest and disease management, soil conservation and health, and environmental stress resiliency in agriculture.

NEW DEADLINE: If you would like to present a poster at the conference, an abstract must be received by 11:59 PM, December 8, 2023. Submitting authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by December 11, 2023. . The presentation title and all author names and affiliations must also be included. The abstract must be a clear, concise, one paragraph summary (no more than 350 words). It must be informative, providing scope, purpose, experimental approach, significant results, and major conclusions. The abstract must be prepared single-spaced, using 12-point font, and submitted using this ABSTRACT SUBMISSION FORM in Microsoft Word (PDF documents will not be accepted). The accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.

Important Deadlines for accepted posters

January 3, 2024: Abstracts can be edited on the template until January 3, 11:59 PM. Upload an edited abstract with document title "LASTNAME_abstract_edited.doc".
January 26, 2024: Submit a PDF copy of your poster to share with judges. Use the upload functions on the event page.

Posters will be displayed from the beginning of the conference on the morning of Tuesday, Feb. 6, and taken down the end of the reception. A wine and cheese reception will be held, from 5:30-7:00 p.m., on Feb. 6. Presenters are asked to stand by their posters during the reception.

STUDENT POSTERS: Currently enrolled students and those graduated within the past 1 year qualify. Up to two students per poster may attend the full conference with free registration. Both graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit. Please have your major professor sign the Poster Submission Form and submit in electronic form.

Abstracts can be edited until December 15th 2023.

Students wishing to be included in the student poster competition agree to submit digital copies of their posters on or before Jan 26th 2024 to be shared with judges. Judges will still visit your posters on-site during the conference.

Travel funds may be available for student presenters. Questions regarding travel support or other poster-related questions can be directed to Lauren Hale by e-mail at lauren.hale@usda.gov or Daniel Geisseler at djgeisseler@ucdavis.edu. Read more about the Travel Support Policy.

Please submit your abstract form (Microsoft Word documents only) to ANR Program Support through the following link: https://na.eventscloud.com/758457

For technical questions contact ANR Program Support at (ANRProgramSupport@ucanr.edu).
For all other questions: Poster Session Co-Chairs: Lauren Hale (lauren.hale@usda.gov), USDA-ARS, Sultan Begna (sultan.begna@usda.gov), USDA-ARS, Wendy Rash (wendy.rash@usda.gov), USDA-NRCS, or Daniel Geisseler at djgeisseler@ucdavis.edu.
