



LEAF, Inc. Dignity & Inclusive School Cultures:  Leadership at Every Level 
Saturday, September 30 / 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Cost: $159 per person, includes lunch and materials.

Regardless of race or creed, people who identify as LGBTQ+ experience dignity violations at rates that are disproportionate to other marginalized groups. Many of these violations are rooted in bias, intolerance, or lack of understanding.

Since knowledge is power, this workshop will provide school leaders with the opportunity to hear from experts and increase their knowledge and skills to provide effective leadership for the protection, acceptance and dignity of LGBTQ students, staff and school community members.

Resources will be provided to assist participants to create and ensure a welcoming and affirming environment for all students and staff in their school communities.

New Superintendents’ Institute 
Sunday, October 1 / 8:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. 

Member Tuition $159, Non-Member Tuition $189. Includes breakfast, lunch and materials.

  • All new superintendents to the profession or new to the State of New York are encouraged to attend.
  • Pre-registration required. Open to first year superintendents only.

Early Superintendents’ Career Institute 
Sunday, October 1 / 9:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m. 

Member Tuition $139, Non-Member Tuition $169. Includes breakfast, lunch and all materials. Pre-registration required.

Cabinet Institute
Sunday, October 1 / 10:30 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Member Tuition $109, Non-Member Tuition $139, includes a coffee break, lunch and all materials. Open to all, preregistration required.

Contact Vren Banks, Director, LEAF, Inc. with any questions at 518-694-4875 or email about programs above.




Fall Leadership
Summit Strands

Education sessions based on six different strands:

Strand 1
Leadership and Learning for All.

Strand 2
Effective Strategic Change:  Re-designing Learning.

Strand 3
Building School Environments for All that Support Your District's Culture.

Strand 4
Creating Systems for Safe, Financially Stable, and Operationally Successful Schools.

Strand 5
Incorporating Wellness for Students, Staff, Self, and Families.

Strand 6:  Effective Advocacy at the Regional, State and National Level.

Call for

Our Call for Proposal Portal to submit a session for both the 2023 Fall Leadership Summit and the 2024 Winter Institute is now closed. All proposals will be vetted by our Conference Committee and those that provide a multi-media and/or creative interactive audience participation option will be give higher priority.

There are a limited number of sessions available for both events. Final sessions selected and published Summer 2023 for Fall Leadership Summit and February 2024 for the Winter Institute.


Thanks to our title sponsor
Mosaic Associates Architects.