
Evaluators are an important part of making our 4-H competitions successful

As an evaluator, you help youth improve by giving them feedback based on a standard evaluation rubric and written constructive feedback. Each contest has supporting guides and instructions for submitting effective evaluation metrics and feedback. 

Who can be an Evaluator

Adults attending State Field Day can sign up to be an Evaluator for one or more competitions. You do not have to be a registered 4-H Adult Volunteer in order to volunteer in an Evaluator role.

Senior 4-H Youth (ages 16 and up) are also welcome to volunteer as an Evaluator. Understanding what makes an entry stand out can help you improve your own skills in Presentation, Fashion Revue, Interviews, and Photography!

Those evaluating at State Presentations should complete the Presentation Evaluator Certification online course by logging in/creating your account and providing your county's enrollment key.

Help to Make the Best Better


State 4-H Fashion Revue Evaluators

Evaluators are an important component of State Fashion Revue. Your feedback will help our contestants grow and improve their skills in sewing and modeling their work.

We are looking for adults or teens 16 years and older who are familiar with some or all of these: fashion, garment construction, arts and crafts techniques, grooming, current styles for youth and teens, and consumerism. Each category in the State Fashion Revue contest needs evaluators.

State Fashion Revue will be held in-person only on May 25 at UC Davis in Wellman Hall.

After registration, you will be contacted by the SFR Committee with details relating to the position. An orientation will be provided on the day of the event.

For more information, contact Ana Torres amltorres@ucanr.edu or Stephanie Barrett slbarrett@ucanr.edu


Interview Contest Evaluator

We are looking for people with experience in interviewing or hiring. Your feedback will help participants improve their interviewing skills.


  • Attend the Interview Contest Evaluator Orientation.
  • Become familiar with the 4-H Interview Contest Manual and evaluation rubrics.
  • Evaluate interviews during your chosen time slot/s.
  • Complete the evaluation rubric and provide written positive and constructive feedback to help each interviewee improve.


State Presentation Day Evaluators and Room Hosts


Evaluators observe youth presentations and provide written feedback to help youth improve their public speaking abilities. Evaluators take the perspective that they are an educator and are reviewing presentations to offer insights on what youth are doing well and where they need improvement. 


Youth Room Host

Youth room hosts help ensure a smooth functioning set of presentations. In the virtual Presentation Events, they will have Zoom "Host" responsibilities.


  • 4-H members age 9 to 18
  • For Virtual Presentation Events, senior members with experience in Zoom preferred.
