California 4-H State Field Day

Interview Contest

Interview Contest Information

In-person May 17, 2025  9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Virtual: May 4-6, 2025

The Interview Contest is a popular event that gives 4-H members an opportunity to practice real-life skills needed to apply for a job. You must prepare a resumé and cover letter for one of the job descriptions listed below in your age category. Evaluators will review your performance during a mock interview and give constructive feedback using a standard evaluation rubric.

The California 4-H Interview Contest Manual is a complete guidebook containing rules, procedures, and helpful hints for a successful interview. It also contains information on planning a county 4-H Interview Contest.

Contest Requirements

Eligibility: All 4-H members (age 9 to 18); no qualification is needed.

  • Results will be shared during the Awards Ceremony.
  • Evaluation forms will be emailed by the contest coordinator.
  • Certificates and pins will be mailed to UCCE 4-H county offices.

Contest Rules

Many real life job interviews are held virtually. This activity will give you good practice in preparing for and participating in a virtual interview.

You can sign up for the virtual or in-person Interview Contest.  Interview time sign-ups are on a first come basis so don’t delay in registering!
Please attach your resume and cover letter for the job you are applying for.

Step 1: Choose a job.

Choose one of the three jobs listed in your age category. Please download the full job descriptions - 2025 Job Descriptions

  •  Junior Category (9-10 years old)
  • Intermediate Category (11-13 years old)
  • Senior Category (14-19 years old)
Step 2: Develop a resumé

Include real-life experiences (education, work, activities, etc.) that demonstrate your qualifications for the job selected.

Step 3: Write a cover letter

Your cover letter should explain why you should be considered for the job selected.

Step 4: Upload your resume and cover letter when you register
Step 5: Sign up for your interview time

Once registration has closed, you will receive an email with the contest details. If you choose to participate in the virtual contest, you will be emailed a link to sign up for your interview time slot. 

Step 6: Prepare for your interview

Review the tips, interview questions, judging rubrics, and supporting materials provided in the California 4-H Interview Contest Manual to prepare for your interview.

Step 7: Show-up for your interview (in-person or virtually depending on how you choose to participate)

Dress appropriately for the interview - Appropriate dress includes 4-H uniform or attire appropriate for a job interview as outlined in the Interview Contest Manual.

Job Descriptions

2025 Job Descriptions

  • Junior 
    • Pet Feeder
    • Leaf Remover
    • Flag Monitor
    • Snack Stand Helper
  •  Intermediate
    • Petting Zoo Helper
    • Interactive Game Attendant
    • Book Reader
    • Snack Stand Assistant
  • Senior
    • Farm Tour Guide
    • Café Server
    • Photographer Assistant
    • Day Camp Counselor


Contest Evaluators

We are looking for people with experience in interviewing or hiring. Your feedback will help participants improve their interviewing skill.

Teams of two to three evaluators will conduct a 5-10 minute interview with the youth participating in the Interview Contest. Evaluators take the perspective that they are an educator and are reviewing interviews to offer insights on what youth are doing well and where they need improvement.

Eligibility: 4-H volunteer leaders, 4-H staff, 4-H members (older than 16 years of age and not giving a presentation), and people from other organizations with experience in interviewing or hiring. 


  • Attend the Interview Contest Evaluator Orientation at State Field Day
  • Become familiar with the 4-H Interview Contest Manual and evaluation rubrics.
  • Evaluate interviews during your chosen time slot/s.
  • Complete the evaluation rubric and provide written positive and constructive feedback to help each interviewee improve.

After registration has closed, you will be contacted with details relating to the position. For the virtual contest, an orientation will be provided on May 1st at 6:30pm


two people holding  a sign that says interview contest

Virtual Interview Contest Technology

If you choose to participate virtually, once registration for the contest is closed, you will receive an email with confirmation for your time block with a virtual meeting platform link. We encourage you to log in 15-minutes before your scheduled time block to ensure your webcam, mic, and speakers are working. You must have your video and mic on during your presentation.

Required equipment:
  • Computer/Tablet with webcam, microphone, speakers, and wifi connection
  • Or smart phone with camera

The Zoom app should be installed on the computer/tablet or smart phone. Download the software at Video tutorials are available at

HINT: You may want to sign-up for a free Zoom account to practice at home!


Contest Contact 

Questions? Please contact

Competition Coordinator: Stephanie Barrett,