The Health and Safety Implications Related To Disability Access And Long Term Health Conditions 


Tudor R Williams

Director, DTD Training 

Tudor has operated DTD Training since 1997. He is a Chartered Fellow of IOSH and a specialist in the education and work-based learning sectors. He has worked closely for many years with government bodies and agencies to implement health and safety standards with providers and employers. He continues to work alongside the Health and Safety Executive to provide advice and support on health, safety standards for the sector, including amendments to the health and safety guidance for apprenticeships and work-based learning.
Tudor continues to work with provider groups across the UK to advise where required and to drive improved standards of health and safety compliance and delivery.

A signific area of Tudor's expertise is the improvement of operational health and safety compliance for training providers and employers as regards their health and safety management systems. He undertakes audits of compliance and system compatibility, emphasising board-level inclusion and horizontal and vertical process management. Tudor also implements identified changes and works as closely to customers' needs as a competent person they require.
DTD Training is an approved centre for IOSH health and safety training programmes as well as for ProQual for the delivery of NVQs in occupational health and safety practice to level 7 in health and safety leadership.

As a chartered fellow of IOSH Tudor is a respected practitioner and contributes extensively to the furtherment of professional membership and standards with regular collaborations across member groups.
Tudor lives in South Wales, is married and has 3 children and operates the business with his wife and fellow director, Sylvia.

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