Registration FAQs
If you received an email stating your registration is incomplete you will need to re-register. Please be sure to go back and click all the way to the end of the registration.
There is no way to convert your incomplete registration to the earlier price. Be sure that you receive a confirmation email to confirm your registrations.
Please work with your IT department to be sure that emails are not being block from Below are some things you can share with them.
IT managers can set up the below policies by adding different DNS records to apply to their domains used to send emails. These policies are used to increase security to make sure their domain is not used for phishing. Policies like these contain rules about how email servers should deal with emails received when SPF, DKIM, or DMARC checks are not successful.
If you need a copy please email Danielle Rivenbark -
Danielle Rivenbark -
Robin Ward Miller -
You are only able to select from the sessions that correspond to your program area. To see more sessions modify your registration and select additional program areas.
Sessions are being added throughout the spring and the full agenda will be available no later than June.
You will need your reference number and email address from your confirmation email. Once you have those you can click "Modify Registration" from the homepage of this site.
The conference schedule is still being finalized. The full agenda will be available in June at the latest. You DO NOT need to add sessions to your agenda during registration EXCEPT if pre-registration is required.
Email spreadsheet to Danielle Rivenbark -