Team Captain Resources

Helpful Advice for Team Captains

Step 1: Find Your Team

 Reach out to friends and family

 Recruit your co-workers

 Involve your local community

Step 2: Rally the Team!

  Create a team name, get team input

 Choose a team color

 Set a goal of how many miles you want your team to reach

  Adopt a "mantra," chant or motivator

 In addition to using #UMGCFUNdRun, create a social media hashtag for your team

Step 3: Spread the Word!

Registration opens the week of Monday, September 16 

  Send the URL to register online to your team

  • Add your team's name on your bib when registering

  Host a virtual information session

  Create a team outfit/t-shirts

  • Previous FUNd Run teams had matching headbands

  Get the word out on social media using #UMGCFUNdRun. Follow us on Facebook,TwitterLinkedIn, and Instagram for updates. 

  Continue to promote who has joined your team, mention how many people you need on your team to reach your goal. 


Third Week of October


  • Start a group chat/text to motivate your team 

  • Share FUNd Run Daily Challenges with your team

  • Put together a shared team spreadsheet to track miles of each participant 

  • Send calendar invites for beginning of race week and end of race week parties 



Monday, October 28 – Sunday, November 3


  • Share pictures each day via group text and social media using #UMGCFUNdRun  

  • Host a beginning-of-race-week virtual party (teammates share goals, discuss apps team members plan to use) 

  • Host an end-of-race-week virtual party (celebrate accomplished goals, lessons learned and funny stories)