✓ Reach out to friends and family
✓ Recruit your co-workers
✓ Involve your local community
✓ Create a team name, get team input
✓ Choose a team color
✓ Set a goal of how many miles you want your team to reach
✓ Adopt a "mantra," chant or motivator
✓ In addition to using #UMGCFUNdRun, create a social media hashtag for your team
Registration opens the week of Monday, September 16
✓ Send the URL to register online to your team
✓ Host a virtual information session
✓ Create a team outfit/t-shirts
✓ Get the word out on social media using #UMGCFUNdRun. Follow us on Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram for updates.
✓ Continue to promote who has joined your team, mention how many people you need on your team to reach your goal.
Third Week of October
Start a group chat/text to motivate your team
Share FUNd Run Daily Challenges with your team
Put together a shared team spreadsheet to track miles of each participant
Send calendar invites for beginning of race week and end of race week parties
Monday, October 28 – Sunday, November 3
Share pictures each day via group text and social media using #UMGCFUNdRun
Host a beginning-of-race-week virtual party (teammates share goals, discuss apps team members plan to use)
Host an end-of-race-week virtual party (celebrate accomplished goals, lessons learned and funny stories)