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Exhibitors and Partners

Rapiscan Systems | AS&E

Membre de la famille des sociétés de sécurité OSI Systems, Rapiscan Systems | AS&E est un des leaders du marché de l’inspection par radiographie et des technologies de radiodétection. L’entreprise jouit de 50 années d’expérience et a vendu plus de 2000 systèmes d’inspection du fret et de contrôle des véhicules dans plus de 100 pays. Notre mission consiste à aider les services portuaires, frontaliers, militaires, les installations à haut risque et les postes de contrôle avec lesquels nous commerçons, partout dans le monde, à lutter contre la fraude commerciale, le terrorisme, le trafic de stupéfiants et l’immigration clandestine. 


Nous proposons une large gamme de systèmes de scanographie qui font appel aux technologies de radiographie à basse, moyenne et haute énergie (ou des technologies de radiographie multiples) et à des technologies de radiodétection, afin de répondre aux exigences particulières qu’ont nos clients par rapport à leurs applications de sécurité. Notre technologie de transmission radiographique à haute énergie affiche une meilleure capacité de pénétration des cargaisons denses dans lesquelles pourraient se trouver des marchandises à risque ou des produits de contrebande, grâce à des images colorisées qui font la distinction entre matières organiques et métalliques et facilitent, par conséquent, le travail d’analyse des opérateurs. Notre technologie exclusive à basse énergie Z Backscatter® produit des images comparables à des photographies, permet de mettre en lumière des menaces organiques et révèle la présence de produits de contrebande de type explosifs, armes en plastique et stupéfiants.


Nous nous engageons au profit de l’excellence dans nos performances, d’une conception innovante et d’une qualité irréprochable. Nous sommes déterminés à offrir en permanence des produits d’imagerie extrêmement fiables et à la pointe du progrès, sans cesser de satisfaire les opérateurs et d’aider nos clients à détecter facilement et en toute confiance les menaces et faits de contrebande.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 9





Rigaku Analytical Devices

Figurant parmi les leaders de l’innovation, Rigaku Analytical Device dispose d’un portefeuille d’analyseurs spectroscopiques portables destinés aux secteurs mondiaux de la sûreté et de la sécurité (sécurité aux frontières, opérations militaires et lutte contre la fraude). Utilisée dans la détection et l’identification de stupéfiants, d’explosifs et des menaces chimiques illicites, notre solide gamme de produits comprend les analyseurs Raman portables 1064nm Rigaku ResQ et Rigaku ResQ CQL. Ces deux instruments sont équipés d’une bibliothèque extensible, d’un logiciel simple et de fonctionnalités sophistiquées telles que la technologie 4C pour les alertes automatiques de formules à risque. Rigaku propose la gamme d’identification chimique portable la plus complète du secteur.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 5





CT Strategies


CT Strategies propose des services stratégiques à des clients en quête de formules novatrices, de services-conseils et d’applications technologiques pour surmonter les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent dans la gestion des frontières, la chaîne logistique et les opérations portuaires aux États-Unis comme dans le reste du monde. Nos services reposent sur une connaissance profonde des normes internationales, des bonnes pratiques et une sensibilité culturelle auxquelles nous faisons appel pour concevoir des systèmes durables et évolutifs adaptés au contexte opérationnel unique de chacun de nos clients.

Nos équipes sont au fait des exigences économiques et de sécurité qui gouvernent la circulation des voyageurs, du fret et des moyens de transport à travers le monde et auxquelles le secteur public et le secteur privé doivent se plier. Notre expérience des relations entre gouvernements et douanes nous aide à faciliter l’établissement de liens entre particuliers, entreprises et gouvernements, ce qui ouvre de nouveaux horizons et stimule la croissance des activités de chacune des parties. Nous travaillons avec d’anciens fonctionnaires gouvernementaux et des représentants du secteur privé dont le travail consiste à disséquer la complexité de la gestion des échanges commerciaux et des déplacements. Dans notre travail, pas de solution universelle. À nos yeux, les seules solutions efficaces sont des solutions sur mesure et c’est ce qui nous pousse à personnaliser nos activités.

Le bien de nos clients passe avant tout. Nous prenons le temps de comprendre leur situation et d’identifier précisément les problèmes qu’ils rencontrent. Notre solide expérience des questions commerciales nous aide à adapter nos solutions aux besoins de la clientèle et aux ressources disponibles. Nous éclaircissons les zones d’ombre pour que nos clients puissent prendre des décisions rentables en toute confiance et tranquillité. Notre mission guide notre travail et nous refusons de brûler les étapes. Nous menons notre activité avec la plus grande intégrité et veillons à la prospérité de chacune des parties impliquées.






MIC – one world, one solution, one mission

MIC est le premier fournisseur mondial de solutions logicielles de conformité douanière et commerciale. Plus de 800 clients dans plus de 55 pays sur les six continents font appel à notre logiciel MIC de conformité commerciale et douanière. Nous nous spécialisons dans l’intégration des systèmes mondiaux de conformité douanière et commerciale reposant sur les structures d’entreprise déterminées, dans le respect des cadres juridiques régionaux et nationaux. Nous veillons à l’efficacité des opérations douanières et au respect des dispositions légales. Un seul système source GTM, 1 base de données GTM de conformité, 1 interface graphique utilisateur et 1 organisation cohérente des services pour le monde entier. MIC commercialise une suite de produits logiciels en ligne conviviaux, de grande qualité, sans cesse améliorée et étoffée. Nous avons fait de MIC une norme internationale de qualité dans notre domaine de compétence et nous estimons que toutes nos activités doivent être équitables, fidèles, durables et conformes aux lois et aux règles en vigueur. Sur la scène internationale de la conformité aux règles commerciales et douanières, MIC est le seul fournisseur de logiciels privé et financièrement indépendant qui propose une plateforme informatique unique. Cela nous donne souplesse et rapidité et nous confère un avantage concurrentiel considérable en ces temps dynamiques de changements rapides et incessants.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 31




Depuis sa création, notre société, est mue par la volonté d’innover et de renforcer ses compétences en matière de technologies d’inspection non intrusives. Nous sommes experts et jouissons d’une expérience pratique de la détection des faits de contrebande et de la technologie des scanners à rayons X qui remonte à plus de 15 ans. L’entreprise lituanienne INTA a été la première à proposer des programmes de formation révolutionnaires visant l’acquisition de compétences essentielles en scanographie et en détection dans le but d’améliorer la sécurité aux frontières et d’aider à lutter contre le commerce illicite. Lorsqu’il s’agit de faire passer des marchandises illégales en contrebande, les criminels font preuve d’une imagination croissante et protéger efficacement les frontières reste une tâche ardue. De nouvelles technologies arrivent sur le marché, mais elles sont de peu d’utilité si les personnes qui les utilisent ne sont pas correctement formées. Pour que les contrôles aux frontières gagnent en efficacité sans que la sécurité en pâtisse, nous proposons des formations poussées (Standard Test Container ou STC) en analyse d’images radiographiques de marchandises et reconnaissance d’objets présentant un risque. Leur but est de permettre à tous les analystes d’images d’acquérir les compétences nécessaires à l’utilisation des logiciels de traitement d’images pour postes de travail, ainsi qu’aux techniques d’interprétation d’images et de détection des menaces. De plus, les agents des douanes sont formés aux tendances globales qui affectent les procédures de contrôle, ainsi qu’à l’analyse efficace d’images d’armes, de stupéfiants, de devises, de contrebande, de marchandises non déclarées et d’autres articles intéressants.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 17 



UNI-PASS reaches out globally as a professional customs solution provider

Uni-PASS est le système de dédouanement par voie électronique et de guichet unique qui a été conçu par la douane coréenne afin de protéger efficacement les frontières douanières tout en offrant aux parties concernées un environnement commercial favorable. Le système a été lancé il y a 45 ans et, en raison des rapides avancées technologiques, de profonds remaniements y ont été opérés. L’entreprise commercialise aujourd’hui la 4e génération d’Uni-PASS. Désormais totalement automatisé, ce système garantit le recouvrement des recettes nationales par une imposition juste et précise des marchandises à l’importation et à l’exportation. Le système préserve également le commerce international par le contrôle des activités de contrebande et des transactions de change illégales et aide les entreprises nationales grâce à une procédure rapide et pratique de dédouanement et de gestion des ALE.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 36 & 37





Figurant parmi les leaders mondiaux du marché des technologies de laboratoire d’analyse, Agilent apporte des réponses fiables aux questions et aux défis les plus sérieux que rencontrent ses clients. Tirant parti de plus de 50 ans d’expérience clinique, doublée de compétences en entreprise et en laboratoire, l’entreprise peut compter sur un personnel hautement qualifié et compétent pour commercialiser ses instruments, logiciels et produits consommables de pointe. Nous offrons ainsi les solutions les plus complètes du marché, des solutions donnent les résultats les plus exacts et les plus fiables, ainsi que des résultats scientifiques, économiques et opérationnels optimaux, qui aident nos clients, que ce soit dans le secteur de l’alimentation, l’industrie pharmaceutique, ou les secteurs de l’environnement, de l’énergie, de la chimie, de la médecine légale, de la recherche universitaire ou encore du monde clinique.


Retrouvez-nous au stand 25





LIMUR sp. z o.o. commercialise une formule de surveillance par GPS. Nous sommes un groupe de personnes dotées d’une solide expérience de la prévention des pertes, la sécurité des transports et la logistique. Les nombreux ingénieurs avec qui nous travaillons procèdent au développement du matériel, qu’ils adaptent à des conditions d’utilisation difficiles et, grâce à nos équipes de programmeurs et de développeurs, nous pouvons développer notre plateforme de suivi Limur en interne de A à Z. Rapidement adaptable, cette plateforme se modifie et évolue sans cesse. En 2018, en collaboration avec les autorités douanières polonaises, nous avons lancé une solution qui consiste à utiliser le scellement de sécurité électronique en tant que scellement douanier officiel. Ce projet sur mesure, qui associe matériel et logiciel, reflète la particularité des procédures suivies par les autorités douanières. L’intérêt premier de cette solution réside dans la numérisation des procédures de contrôle douanier, des alertes en temps réel en cas d’altération des scellements douaniers et une répartition claire des responsabilités au sein du personnel douanier. Notre système informe les autorités en temps réels de l’emplacement et de l’état du scellement. Elles savent donc qui, quand et où ledit scellement de sécurité est apposé ou retiré.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 28



908 Devices


908 Devices démocratise la spectrométrie de masse en laboratoire grâce à des appareils portables simples et aux dispositifs de bureau que l’entreprise commercialise pour des applications critiques.  Les appareils sont utilisés là où le besoin s’en fait sentir et sert à analyser des matériaux inconnus et invisibles et obtenir rapidement des réponses exploitables pour réagir directement à des problèmes sérieux, dans des domaines tels que la recherche en sciences de la vie, la biotransformation, la pharmacie et la biopharmacie, la médecine légale et d’autres marchés adjacents. Le siège social de l’entreprise se trouve en plein centre de Boston et c’est là que sont effectués les travaux de recherches, la conception et la fabrication de produits innovants associant la puissance de la spectrométrie de masse, la technique de séparation microfluidique, l’automatisation logicielle et l’apprentissage automatique.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 48



Red Flag Cargo

Depuis plus de 20 ans, Red Flag Cargo Security Systems (RF) développe méthodiquement des logiciels et du matériel spécialisés, ainsi que des scellements physiques de sécurité pour les couloirs de sécurité à haut risque qui sont utilisés pour y détecter des anomalies, protéger les chaînes logistiques d’intrusions possibles et prévenir lesdites intrusions.

La robuste suite logicielle STM que commercialise Red Flag peut être utilisée sur tous les scellements mécaniques inviolables produits par l’entreprise, mais aussi avec les scellements électroniques et les scellés de sécurité intelligents à barre BRX. Elle permet de superviser, de suivre et de filtrer, pour ensuite produire un registre détaillé d’activités.  RF STM est compatible avec les systèmes d’exploitation d’ordinateurs de bureau, ainsi qu’avec IOS ou Android. Ce dispositif sert à gérer et à sécuriser le fret, mais aussi à synchroniser les scellements fixés avec le STM. Il est également utilisé pour gérer l’inventaire des scellements, inspecter le fret, consigner l’activité des utilisateurs et, le cas échéant, fournir une analyse des causes profondes d’incidents, preuves géographiques, temporelles et photographiques à l’appui.

RF LXR et Duplexseal sont des scellements inviolables haute sécurité certifiés ISO 17712 2013 en tant que scellements haute sécurité dont l’inviolabilité contre les différentes techniques de manipulation illicite a été testée par l’entreprise tierce Dayton T. Brown.

Le scellement intelligent à barre SMART BRX de RF permet de protéger physiquement les conteneurs et leurs portes peuvent être verrouillées/déverrouillées grâce au gardiennage virtuel, à l’analyse prédictive ou à l’aide d’une application sécurisée/chiffrée pour IOS/Android, par un utilisateur des services administratifs ou encore par un centre de commande agréé.  Pour empêcher et prévenir les anomalies, RF BRX fait appel à différents modules et capteurs, ainsi qu’à des données externes.

RF continue à protéger le monde de toute violation, en sécurisant et en éliminant les sources de contamination alimentaire et agricole pendant le transit. Elle contribue à la lutte contre la traite d’êtres humains et le trafic de marchandises.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 24




Les solutions logicielles que propose AEB facilitent le commerce mondial et les processus logistiques des entreprises du monde de l’industrie, du commerce et des services. Plus de 5500 000 clients dans 80 pays font appel à nos solutions dans la gestion des expéditions, du transport et des entrepôts, ainsi que dans la procédure de dédouanement, la gestion des importations et des exportations, la vérification des listes de sanctions et le contrôle des exportations. Le portefeuille d’AEB comprend aussi bien des logiciels « dans le nuage » prêts à l’emploi qu’une plateforme logistique personnalisée, mais toutefois hautement adaptable. Grâce à l’automatisation des procédures de déclaration en douane, de vérifications d’embargo, d’expédition et de facturation, mais aussi par l’intégration informatique des partenaires dans la chaîne logistique, AEB garantit une plus grande transparence et efficacité, associées à une diminution des coûts et à la protection juridique de la gestion de la chaîne logistique dans son ensemble. Les solutions AEB rendent les entreprises plus adaptables, tout en améliorant leur capacité de réaction. Cette entreprise de logiciels, qui emploie plus de 500 personnes dans le monde, a son siège social et des centres de données sur site en Allemagne, mais également des bureaux internationaux au Royaume-Uni, à Singapour, en Suisse, en Suède, aux Pays-Bas, en République tchèque et aux États-Unis.

Retrouvez-nous au stand 18



Strategy Object

Strategy Object is an international trade technology partner that empowers governments to create and optimise digital applications and processes. We run SOClass, one of the most powerful and secure Java frameworks used to build e-government applications around the world, trusted by over 80 governments. With the SO Marketplace now available, developers, companies and governments from all over the world can quickly and easily collaborate on the creation, testing, and distribution of cutting-edge apps for use in the digital modernisation of trade.

Visit us at booth number 46



Gerlach - More than 140 years’ experience in customs services

Gerlach is the leading neutral customs service provider in Europe. With a comprehensive range of services we take care of global customs issues so that you can focus on your core business. With our network of 170 offices in 27 countries and more than 1000 customs experts, we cover the entire range of customs services from import, export and transit customs clearance to complex customs solutions, supply chain and consultancy services. Gerlach has the right solution for your specific customs challenges Companies doing international business are confronted with a multitude of challenges such as: complex chain of processes related to logistics, customs clearance in multiple countries, uncertainty about costs of VAT, excise duties and Intrastat declarations. Our skilled and experienced specialists are at your side with knowledge that goes beyond standard customs procedures. Based on our extensive knowledge in customs related subjects, we can help you optimize your processes.

Visit us at booth number 19




CLS, a subsidiary of CNES (Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, the French Space Agency) (34%) and CNP (66%), is an international company that has been a pioneer in providing Earth observation and monitoring solutions since 1986. Its vision is to design and deploy innovative solutions to understand, protect and sustainably manage our planet's resources. CLS employs 900 people at its headquarters in Toulouse and at 33 other sites around the world.

The company operates in 5 strategic business areas:

  • sustainable fisheries management,
  • environmental monitoring & climate,
  • maritime safety,
  • fleet management,
  • energies & infrastructures.

The company provides satellite services based on location and environmental data collection (100,000 beacons are processed each month, drifting buoys, beacons equipping animals, fishing fleets or commercial fleets…), observation of oceans and continental waters (more than 20 instruments on board satellites provide CLS with daily information on the world's seas and oceans), and monitoring of land and maritime activities (nearly 20,000 radar and optical images and several hundred hours of drone flights are processed and analyzed each year). All-in-one answers for maritime domain awareness: Advanced maritime intelligence technologies to enable demanding decisions for both public and private industries. The best of data coupled with AI, the expertise of satellite earth observation and drones.

Visit us at booth number 44




SilentBorder is an EU funded project developing the future of cargo non-intrusive inspections equipment with the incorporation of cosmic ray technology. SilentBorder is developing a new and safe method for cargo compliance evaluation based on natural cosmic rays and will evaluate the benefits with respect to conventional X-ray methods. Specifically aimed to address the issues with conventional scanning technologies to provide an improved alternative to the inherent technological shortcomings and provide a tomographic, elemental sensitive material classification system. The project aims to significantly improve the detection of illegal goods, including drugs, explosives, weapons, hidden tobacco and alcohol products as well heavily shielded or masked nuclear material. The consortium leading this exciting project consists of research institutions, corporate and customs organisations. All carefully selected on the basis of the required skills and resources necessary for the successful execution of the project. Partners include: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, The University of Sheffield, Université Catholique De Louvain, University of Tartu, Société Générale De Surveillance SA, Costruzioni Apparecchiature Elettroniche Nucleari Caen Spa, GScan, Tulli Customs (Finland), Directorate General of Customs Enforcement, Ministry of Trade of Turkey and Estonian Tax and Customs Board.

Visit us at booth number 29




We are SGS. We are recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. Our 96,000 employees operate a network of 2,700 offices and laboratories, working together to enable a better, safer and more interconnected world. Wherever you are, whatever your industry, our experts worldwide provide specialized solutions to make your business faster, simpler and more efficient. Our purpose is to enable a better, safer and more interconnected world. How do we do this? We enable a better world by helping businesses everywhere to work efficiently, to deliver with quality, and to trade with integrity and trust. We enable a safer world by ensuring that your car is safe to drive, that the environment you work in is secure and clean, and that the food you eat is safe. We enable a more interconnected world through our use of leading class technology and innovative services such as those provided by SGS D-TECT Universal scanning solution.

Visit us at booth number 30



Gaston Schul

Who are we?

Gaston Schul is a leading edge, independent, European based, full-service, customs and trade provider, with a trusted global agent network. With over 350 customs professionals and advisors across 19 locations within the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Norway, and the United Kingdom, we focus on efficiency, customer satisfaction, and our customers’ needs to build long lasting partnerships.

Why Us?

With a heritage dating back to 1845, our experienced squads have the passion, knowledge, and IT solutions to navigate the complexities of the customs world and provide our customers with the right level of visibility, control, and certainty in customs matters. Being a full-service customs provider, we can support you with all your customs and trade requirements varying from the execution of import, export, & transit declarations, to providing tax representation. In addition, we offer access to our self-service Export Portal, bespoke customs training and consultancy services. Looking for a Control Tower or bespoke IT solution to digitalise and orchestrate your customs flow? We can do that too.

Our Goal?

To leverage our knowhow and innovative IT solutions to become your full service, knowledgeable partner for all your customs and trade matters across Europe. #WeAreGastonSchul

Visit us at booth number 45






Do your business systems understand and communicate WCO data language? And you and your team? Whether YES or NO, join us for a demo of the WCO Data Model with GEFEG.FX software.

GEFEG delivers the WCO Data Model in collaboration with the World Customs Organization to public and private sectors involved in cross-border trade. Find the best solution for your requirements: Maybe GEFEG.FX with the WCO Data Model Customization Package, which supports compliant localizations and customizations of the WCO Data Model. And it helps you to reduce the implementation cost of customs and single window projects.

GEFEG's overall objectives: to support organizations and businesses seeking greater consistency, interoperability and quality of metadata while complying with international eStandards. Our products and solutions include GEFEG.FX with built-in collaboration capabilities, GEFEG.Portal validation platform, key e-Business standards, consulting services, and GEFEG's new API capabilities.

Three-quarters of the G20 countries have used the GEFEG.FX with WCO Data Model package. Other customs authorities such as Canada, Germany, Honduras, the Netherlands, Oman, New Zealand, Thailand, South Africa and Sweden also use the WCO Data Model with GEFEG.FX to specify their semantic customs metadata and profiles. Last but not least: The WCO Data Model is developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization with GEFEG.FX.


Visit us at booth number 47




The Faculty of Law at Maastricht University

The Faculty of Law at Maastricht University is a top-quality provider of challenging and rewarding Dutch and European legal education at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD-level. A true pioneer in small-scale teaching and teaching of skills aimed at a broad range of future legal professionals. The clear focus in research on European and international aspects of the law, Law and tech, and the empirical setting in which the law operates, provides an exceptionally stimulating environment for both students and staff. The Faculty greatly values its open, diverse and inclusive community that makes it a pleasant and rewarding place to work and study. The UM Faculty of Law offers a wide range of bachelor's and master's programmes. Would you like to know more about our programmes? Visit our website for more information on the courses, career perspectives and admission requirements of our programmes.

Visit us at booth number 56




EFS, Erasmus University


EFS, Erasmus University Rotterdam is a partnership between the tax departments of the Erasmus  University Rotterdam’s Schools of Law and Economics. EFS has been a leading education and research institute on the impact of international and European law on taxation and customs for over 30 years. Its work covers indirect taxes, including VAT and customs duties, and also direct taxes, with a focus on individual, corporate and source taxation in a European and international context.

EFS is the only institute in this field to offer a post-master in EU customs law (PMC) in English. The programme introduces you to the Union Customs Code and provides detailed and up-to-date  knowledge on general issues within EU customs law, as well as in-depth training in strategic and  business issues in customs.


Visit us at booth number 53




Centre for Customs &Excise Studies- CCES

CCES is the world's leading provider of training, education and research in the highly specialised areas of customs, excise and border management. Our international leadership role has been acknowledged by the World Customs Organization (WCO) with whom we have a formal Memorandum of Understanding, and from whom we received a Certificate of Recognition for our continuing support of international customs research and development. CCES at Charles Sturt University also provides the Secretariat for the International Network of Customs Universities and, in association with the University of Münster, Germany, publishes the World Customs Journal, the world's leading journal dedicated to customs matters. Our programs have been formally recognised by the WCO as meeting the requirements of the WCO Professional Standards, and are continually updated through our ongoing research activities to reflect contemporary and emerging issues. A key strength of our programs is our global network of experts, which is expanding to keep pace with the high level of demand in this emerging area of academic pursuit. Our student base includes customs, other government agencies, international organisations, companies and individuals in over 180 countries.

Visit us at booth number 57




NEXYTE, Cognyte’s decision intelligence platform, helps government and enterprise organizations accelerate data-driven decision making. The platform automatically fuses and analyzes data sources of all types to provide a rich, cohesive view, and democratizes the power of data science and machine learning to enable both technical and non-technical users to reach previously unattainable insights. NEXYTE empowers analysts to rapidly assess risks, conduct investigations, mitigate threats, boost revenue collection, and optimize resources across multiple disciplines and use cases, including counter-terror, organized crime, financial crime, cybercrime and customs, all in one platform.  NEXYTE- EVERY DECISION COUNTS.

Visit us at booth number 50




Windward is the leading maritime AI company, providing an all-in-one platform for all your maritime domain awareness and risk management needs. With real-time insights into vessel behavior, ownership structure, cargo, and containers, we help the world’s leading intelligence professionals streamline maritime risk.

By leveraging our domain expertise and deep learning algorithms, we are able to go beyond connecting static data points and provide context behind maritime and non-maritime entities, to best mitigate risk from a variety of aspects - security, compliance and safety.

With customized risk profiles and actionable predictive insights, Windward enables its partners to enhance strategic operations, focus resources on emerging threats and identify maritime risks before they even happen. Windward’s insights can be directly integrated into existing workflows and systems through our API Insights Lab, or accessed via an intuitive online tool.

Windward’s holistic approach allows entities with border protection and national security responsibilities to quickly complete all investigation and assessment processes, critical to developing and executing more confident intelligence-based strategic decisions.

Visit us at booth number 23



The Publications & Data Solutions department

The Publications & Data Solutions department is responsible for the dissemination of the WCO content such as the Harmonized System. The content is available both online on our database platform www.wcotradetools.org; that offers a single point of access to the HS, Rules of Origin and Customs Valuation and offline, you can purchase the printed publications on our e-commerce Bookshop www.wcoomdpublications.org. In parallel, the department also developed new IT services such as an API (Application Programming Interface) to promote the access to the HS content. The API enables the integration of the HS content present on our platform within an external system, meaning your own personal system. You can send queries directly in your system to load the latest HS content on your screen.

Visit us at booth number 15 & 16




CATTS is an international customs and trade compliance services company. We are focused on supporting clients through a variety of in-house solutions, including customs operations support, consulting, and technology. CATTS has the goal to operate flexibly and aligned with your needs by adapting our service offerings and seeking innovative opportunities to meet your global trade requirements. CATTS has an extensive global network of customs and trade compliance specialists andconsultants. Our team exists of more than 100 individuals who are active in 50 countries, support customers in 15 different languages and have access to knowledge and content from 152 countries. Our customers choose us as their single global partner for all customs and trade compliance needs. We may support you with managing your customs broker network, operating your global trade management platform, product classification, customs filing support, trade content provision, compliance consultancy, and more.

Visit us at booth number 26



Maastricht Convention Bureau


Maastricht is perhaps best known for being the place where the Treaty on European Union was signed, back in 1992. But there is definitely much more to this city which promotes knowledge like no other. Today, Maastricht has become a magnet to international and European associations, thanks to a multitude of international organizations and educational institutes in many areas of endeavours. This beautiful city, located right in the heart of Europe, has been chosen by the Dutch Customs Administration as the host city for this conference. The combination of the historic city with the Burgundian lifestyle, the international character, the wide range of restaurants and hotels and the renewed conference facilities of the MECC was decisive. As the official convention bureau of the Maastricht region, the Maastricht Convention Bureau has been closely involved in the preparations.

Frank Heijmann, Head of Trade Relations Customs Netherlands and member of the project team:  ‘This region has a strong conference community that walks the extra mile to ensure maximum impact of the WCO conference. The highly innovative and international character of the region makes this a great location for the type of conference that we as Dutch Customs Administration want to put on for our international colleagues.’

Visit us at booth number 60


Deloitte Global Trade Advisory


In a world impacted by constantly changing regulatory requirements, a structured, reliable and efficient approach to global trade management has become increasingly important to many global trade stakeholders. For global trade operators it's important to understand, manage and monitor the impact of global import and export regulations applicable to their business.

Deloitte's Global Trade Advisory specialists around the world help businesses establish an international business strategy designed to manage costs and global trade regulatory requirements while leveraging innovative technology solutions. Our global trade solution architects help design, implement and operate the latest trade solutions to allow global trade operators manage compliance risks; enable customs; minimize trade costs; automate and streamline trade compliance and management activities. We support our clients on cleansing and maintenance of global trade related master data (e.g. classification), global trade sanctions and import / export controls management, customs and excise management (incl. self-filing and broker integration), special customs procedures (incl. inventory reporting), as well as origin and trade preference management.


Visit us at booth number 38



GATE Specialties


GATE Specialties is supplier of a wide range of detection and identification products used by Police, Customs, Fire Departments and Defense forces. These products can be used to detect and identify unknown chemicals and substances. In the fields of CBRN, Narcotics, Explosives or Chemical Weapons.

GATE Specialties is exclusive distributor for several innovative companies. Such as; DetectaChem, Pendar Technologies, 908 Devices and GreyScan Australia.

DetectaChem (Houston, TX - USA ) is manufacturer of explosives and drug detection tests on the Smartphone platform; MobileDetect.

Pendar Technologies (Cambridge, MA - USA) is manufacturer of Breakthrough, standoff (up to 2m), Handheld Raman chemical identification.

908 Devices (Boston, MA - USA) manufacturer of the first and only true handheld Mass Spectrometer for trace detection of hazardous substances in gases, vapors, solids and liquids and aerosols.

GreyScan (Melbourne, Australia) introduces the ETD-100, the world's first mobile CZE platform for detecting inorganic explosives.

We strive to deliver the worlds most innovative products!


Visit us at booth number 49



Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM)


With its mission to be a force for positive change in the world, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) has firmly established its reputation over 50 years as one of Europe’s most international and innovative business schools.

RSM’s primary focus is on developing business leaders with international careers who can become a force for positive change by carrying their innovative mindset into a sustainable future. Our first-class portfolio of bachelor, master, MBA, PhD and executive programmes encourage people to become critical, creative, caring and collaborative thinkers and doers.

We are looking forward to meeting you at our booth to talk about the Master in Customs and Supply Chain compliance, which might be the right programme for you!


Visit us at booth number 54


WCO Academy description for TechConference


In 2017 the WCO agreed to take a new step in offering online capacity building to the private sector and academia by giving the green light to the launch of the WCO Academy, private sector’s point of access to the expertise of the World Customs Organization. Ever since that, the aim has been to upskill private sector to speak the same language like Customs and make that way private-public cooperation more effective and efficient.

Staff of companies dealing with Customs, consultants, lawyers, students, Customs Brokers and other international trade professionals have shown their strong interest to receive training directly from the WCO. Providing an adequate access to the knowledge about the WCO tools and instruments and their proper use to the private sector is an entire part of the Organization's objectives of capacity building to enhance private-public cooperation, facilitate trade and support the implementation of the WCO standards. Moreover, the dissemination of information and knowledge related to WCO standards, tools and instruments to a wider audience is an important initiative to support their implementation at global scale. What adds even more value to this initiative is that it benefits also small and medium companies that normally have no means to secure advice or services from professional experts on Customs matters.

WCO Academy was launched on May 1st 2018. Around four thousand users have registered in WCO Academy during the first four years. Also, our learners come from over 60 different countries from all six WCO regions.


Visit us at booth number 35




Every challenge is an opportunity to leap forward


The goal of digital transformation is not change as such, it's to become increasingly adaptive to your unpredictable surroundings. AE’s mission is to get you in shape and enable you to keep moving in line with your goals.  Together we transform challenges into added value. Together we turn organisations into adaptive organisms.

With AE at your side, you can build on 20+ years of experience and 370 highly talented experts.  Our broad digital expertise ranges from business alignment consulting, over change management and

architecture to IT and software engineering, data and quality assurance.

Adore4customs: an AI-powered assistant for the customs industry

For the customs industry, AE has developed Adore4customs, an AI powered solution to help customs agents speed up the declaration process: its powerful algorithms analyze unstructured data and prepare a pre-filled customs proposal, which can be seamlessly published to the customs declarations tool of your choice.

How can we at AE streamline your processes?

Adore4customs is an essential part of our continued efforts to enable organizations through document hyperautomation, a business-driven approach that organizations can use to rapidly identify, vet and automate as many business and IT processes as possible. AE acts as an enabler for these projects by orchestrating the use of multiple competencies such as UX, applied AI, platforms, and more. Get in touch at www.ae.be to discuss how our 370 digital experts can help you speed up your processes.


Visit us at booth number 41





Altana has created a Trusted Network Platform (the Altana Atlas). We have set out to connect and learn from the world’s supply chain data - including public and non-public data - in order to build a shared source of truth. Our Altana Atlas platform renders billions of data points into a living network model of the global supply chain that can power a range of software applications in functions across the enterprise, from procurement, to logistics, to compliance, to risk management, and beyond.

On top of the Atlas, Altana delivers the "Trusted Shipment" product used by customs authorities, global logistics providers, and shippers worldwide to facilitate trusted trade.

This product supports the automation and facilitation of cross-border shipment processing by 1) identifying the sender and receiver in the Atlas, understanding who they are, what products they buy and sell, where they operate, and to whom they are connected, 2) identifying what is “inside the box,” automatically assigning HS classifications to shipments, or auditing existing classifications and 3) providing customs officials with a “trust” score, identifying whether the shipment is normal, compliant, and trustworthy, or whether it is likely to be deemed risky or found non-compliant by a customs authority.


Visit us at booth number 39 & 40


The University of Lausanne/UNIL


The University of Lausanne is a higher teaching and research institution composed of seven faculties with approximately 17,100 students and about 4,400 research, teaching and technical staff.

Its research activities focus on three main themes: human and social sciences, life sciences and medicine, and environmental sciences.

UNIL lays great store by the quality and innovation of its teaching. This is characterised by a highly interdisciplinary approach which is even reflected in the organisation of its faculties.


Visit us at booth number 52



National Committee of Trade Facilitation of the Netherlands


The National Committee of Trade Facilitation of the Netherlands or the NCTF (Overleg Douane Bedrijfsleven or ODB) consists of the Customs Administration of the Netherlands and representatives of the business sector. The NCTF members have wideranging discussions on issues which relate to the movement of goods which cross the external border of the European Union. Equality and mutual transparency form the basis of the dialogue. The parties become aware of their respective responsibilities, interests and wishes and where possible, they coordinate these. In this way, together, the parties seek the best possible balance between enforcement and trade facilitation. Further to the close cooperation between Customs and the business sector, the NCTF has the status of the National Committee on Trade Facilitation for the government of the Netherlands. As a result, depending on the items on the agenda, several representatives of other government bodies join the consultations.

This way of cooperation is unique in the world. The members of the NCTF are happy to inform you more in detail about it at the NCTF-booth at the WCO  Technology Conference and Exhibition.

Via the internet links in this app more information about the NCTF of the Netherlands is available.


Visit us at booth number 61




Collaborative digital services for real-time data exchanges: eCMR TransFollow

Recognized as the standard for eCMR (digital consignment note), the TransFollow Datahub continuous development and engagement towards interoperability enables compliance and smooth data exchange between platforms.

Get your environment instantly connected to TransFollow Datahub and start real-time exchange of information such as proof of deliveries with your partners and your customers, efficiently, digitally and transparently. TransFollow makes your operations faster, simpler and more efficient by providing a set of digital services that allows all stakeholders to exchange information smoothly and work better, closer together.

TransFollow bridges the gap

TransFollow acts as the missing link within fragmented environments. Harmonising procedures and looking beyond regulatory or IT challenges, we make day to day operations more cohesive to allow all stakeholders to get more out of data.

Beurtvaartadres is the proud distributor and implementation partner in the Netherlands.


Visit us at booth number 51



MACCS is a public-private partnership that has been appointed by the Government of Mauritius to build and manage the Cargo Community System (CCS) and has been incorporated in January 2008. MACCS operates the CCS system to secure and facilitate trade operations in Mauritius.

MACCS has also been able to cater for some major local needs such as an increased Sea Port Security to maintain the image of the country where business is both secure and reliable, a reduced dwell time for cargo at imports and exports, the reduction of logistics costs for all stakeholders whilst improving productivity and the image of Mauritius viewed as THE HUB in this part of the region.

Today, MACCS has embarked in the development of various Trade related solutions other than CCS which includes E-Bunkering, Warehousing Systems, Maritime Single Window, WTO TFA Projects and other software solutions for our stakeholders as defined in its portfolio of services.


Visit us at booth number 55

Apprendre et trouver l'inspiration

Plus de 50 exposants feront de l’exposition TI de l’OMD la vitrine des technologies de pointe et des progrès les plus récents. Des instituts universitaires viendront présenter leurs travaux en R&D, des échanges fouillés sont prévus et la conférence sera l’occasion de présenter les progrès et innovations les plus récents en matière d’utilisation des données et des algorithmes, mais aussi de dévoiler le potentiel que la technologie de la chaîne de blocs représente pour la douane.


Un endroit exceptionnel

Maastricht est un décor de rêve et le berceau de l’hospitalité. Outre ses nombreux atouts culinaires et culturels, la ville affiche une grande richesse historique. Elle offre à tous ses visiteurs une occasion bienvenue de passer un moment agréable et détendu, même en dehors de l’enceinte du MECC Maastricht.


Partager et connectez-vous

L’endroit idéal pour se mettre en quête de réponses, de sources d’inspiration et tisser des liens durables. Participez aux échanges intéressants que nous vous proposons avec des professionnels d’horizons différents. Lancez-vous dans de passionnantes conversations avec des personnes partageant votre vision ou profitez tout simplement d’une saine dose de connaissances utiles à partager..


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