Welcome back to an in-person Annual Scientific Meeting planned for May 2022. 

The COVID-19 pandemic is still challenging us to reconsider how we fulfil the Association’s aim to promote high standards in the specialty of paediatric anaesthesia through education and research.

We currently feel comfortable to go ahead and plan a come-back Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) in Cardiff in May 2022.  This is planned to be an in-person conference only. 

The hosts are developing a very attractive ASM in Cardiff. The programme will be published soon but in the meantime all teams are working in partnership to put into place systems and protocols that will mitigate the spread of COVID-19 to make the days of science and networking in Cardiff as safe as possible for all.

We plan a trade show too and welcome back the companies who support us. The spaces available will be limited to keep our safety profile robust. 

The annual prizes for abstracts will be awarded during the ASM, with the traditional range of oral and poster presentations. The Call for Abstracts is closed but thank you to all those who submitted abstracts

We are keen to develop future programmes to match in with the educational needs of our attendees, so if you have a topic in mind which you would like to see included in a future APAGBI event, please do send your idea to apa@indexcommunications.com and the Secretariat will forward this for future programme planning.

We very much hope to see you in Cardiff. 

Mari Roberts, Chair, Cardiff Local Organising Committee


Colin Dryden, Chair, APAGBI Meetings Committee 


Welcome Message from Mari Roberts: Conference Chair

Call for Abstracts: Now Closed

Submission deadline: 1st February 2022

APAGBI “Bitesize Meetings 2021” 

Streaming Now

APAGBI Annual Scientific Meeting   

  May 2021 

Streaming Now 

LINKMAN 1 and 2 Meetings 2021

Streaming Now