Building successful 16-19 Study Programmes – Funding, contracts and programme development



Overview of Study Programmes, how to source and maximise funding, build provision and be ready to deliver

To many, ESFA funded 16-19 Study Programme provision can seem a closed shop where contracts are rarely awarded and the landscape is dominated by large colleges. The funding methodology however allows for much flexibility and freedom to design provision to meet a varied range of learners’ needs and can deliver exciting and innovative programmes for young people.

Join us to understand how to access 16-19 funding, look at the main elements required for a successful study programme, what flexibilities are available and how to ensure that you maximise funding and ensure the best service for your learners.

Further webinars are to follow on Curriculum and the Learner Journey, Planning to support young people with SEND and accessing High Needs funding, and Marketing and Recruitment.


Delegates attending this webinar will understand:

  • Study Programme funding and contracting, its methodology, rules and flexibilities
  • Routes to access 16-19 funding
  • What elements make up a successful Study Programme
  • What key functions your organisation will need in place to deliver all elements of the programme 

Target Audience


This session is aimed towards training providers who want to develop and grow their provision and further understand the lead funding methodologies, or to those who want to enter the 16-19 market for the first time.