What Ofsted looks for with regards to highly effective Leaders and Managers



Find out what matters most to Ofsted inspectors when they look at ‘Leadership and Management’ at an inspection visit

Senior leaders and managers are understandably tending to focus on ‘deep dives’, ‘sequencing’ and ‘curriculum intent’ and what they all mean in relation to the Education Inspection Framework (EIF) when it comes to planning for inspection.  Due to this, Leadership and Management has tended to take something of a back seat.

However, ‘Leadership and Management’ is still one of the four graded key judgements during a full inspection that will determine a providers’ overall effectiveness grade, and is actually a key focus on all other types of inspection.  It is, therefore, extremely important for providers to understand what evidence inspectors will want to see when they look at Leadership and Management on an inspection visit. 

This webinar will highlight what matters most to Ofsted inspectors when they look at Leadership and Management and will explain how they triangulate their evidence for this against their judgements about ‘Quality of Education’.


By the end of this webinar delegates will have learned about:

  • Leadership and Management in the context of the Education Inspection Framework (EIF) – what has changed and what has stayed the same.
  • Current and future inspection themes for leaders and managers to consider.
  • The key qualities of highly effective leaders and managers. 
  • The interrelationship between Quality of Education and Leadership and Management. 
  • What matters most to Ofsted inspectors when they look at Leadership and Management on inspection. 
  • The difference between ‘curriculum strategy’ and ‘curriculum intent’. 
  • Why inspectors will focus on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and performance management for staff. 
  • Why good governance is important as part of leadership arrangements.
  • Ensuring effective management arrangements are in place for safeguarding.
  • What is usually not in scope for the inspection of Leadership and Management. 

Target Audience


Senior leaders and managers responsible for managing all aspects of the education and training provision and learner experience within their organisations.