As of 2.14.22, we have updated our Convention Health Policy. Please CLICK HERE to view.

B'Yachad Convention Logo. The words

Come gather from March 23–27, 2022 for B’Yachad: Reconstructing Judaism Together.  During Convention, we will be together both in-person and virtually to learn from and with experts, scholars and lay leaders. We will engage in conversations, ask questions, and listen. We will pray together, sing together, dance together and celebrate all that we do every day in our communities to reconstruct Judaism.

About Convention

B’Yachad is being planned as a hybrid convention – you can join us in-person or from your own home or perhaps with a small group of fellow community members for a watch party.


View the Schedule

Take a look our robust schedule for B'Yachad!  Check back periodically for updates and additions.


Adult B-/Re- Mitzvah

Participate in "Through A Reconstructionist Lens: An Adult B- / Re- Mitzvah Program", which culminates in March 2022 when we celebrate some notable anniversaries.