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Monday 12 April 2021
SESSION 1a Progress in analytical pyrolysis research and instrumentation
Moderator: Frederik Ronsse (Belgium)
10.00 |
The relevance of secondary reactions in the analysis of microplastics by Py-GC-MS Daniele Fabbri (Italy)
10.20 |
Lignin depolymerization: Analysis of monomers and oligomers by UV fluorescence, MALDI-TOFMS and GPC Erika Bartolomei (France)
10.30 |
Progress of pyrolysis study using photoionization mass spectrometry Fei Qi (China)
10.50 |
Onl-line mass spectrometry for heterogeneous catalytic conversion of biomass in batch reactors Cunhao Cui (China)
11.00 |
Application of in situ atmospheric pressure photoionization mass spectrometry in the study of biomass pyrolysis mechanism Xiamin Chen (China)
11.10 |
Q&A |
11.15 |
End of session 1a |
SESSION 1b Progress in analytical pyrolysis research and instrumentation
Moderator: Kevin Van Geem (Belgium)
11.25 |
Determination of microplastics ingested in plankton individuals by pyrolysis-GC-MS Hajime Ohtani (Japan)
11.45 |
Thermo-analytical techniques to study the effects of milling and irradiation on the pyrolytic behavior of softwoods and hardwoods Marco Mattonai (Italy)
11.55 |
Qualitative and quantitative assessment of lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis using chloride molten salts in a tandem micro reactor Adriana Estrada Leon (Belgium)
12.05 |
Analytical pyrolysis approach for effective valorisation of lignin Thallada Bashkar (India)
12.25 |
Py-GC/MS system for microplastics Michael Soll (Germany) |
12.40 |
Q&A |
12.45 |
End of session 1b |
SESSION 2 Reaction mechanisms and kinetics, modelling and experimentation
Moderator: Robert Carleer (Belgium)
13.00 |
Progress and challenges of lignin pyrolysis Manuel Garcia Perez (USA)
13.20 |
Kinetic parameter determination for wheat straw pyrolysis Frederico Fonseca (Germany)
13.30 |
Py-GC-MS characterisation and TGA kinetics of lignocellulosic feedstock Regina Siu (UK)
13.40 |
Understanding the activation of cellulose and polymers at high temperature Paul Dauenhauer (USA)
14.00 |
Multi-scale modelling of biomass conversion in a fluidized bed reactor Lukas von Berg (Austria)
14.10 |
CFD-DEM modelling of biomass pyrolysis using multi-component kinetics mechanism Boyao Wang (Norway)
14.20 |
Assessment of simple and detailed reaction schemes for biomass pyrolysis Andres Anca-Couce (Austria)
14.40 |
Determining microplastic content in environmental samples using a database
Eike Kleine-Benne (Germany)
14.55 |
Q&A |
15.05 |
End of session 2 |
SESSION 3 Pyrolysis of biomass and coal
Moderator: Patrice Perreault (Belgium)
15.30 |
An overview on an industrial pyrolysis biorefinery Anthony Dufour (France)
15.50 |
Pyrolysis and pressure: new insights based on fixed bed experiments Guillain Mauviel (France)
16.00 |
Fast pyrolysis of hydrolysis lignin in fluidized bed Elmeri Pienhäkkinen (Finland)
16.10 |
Micro-spectroscopy of binder effects in catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass Bert Weckhuysen (The Netherlands)
16.30 |
Deoxygenation of biomass fast pyrolysis vapors over Na-Al2O3 catalyst for production of bio-oil with low acidity Andreas Eschenbacher (Belgium)
16.40 |
Shale gas reserve estimation for the UK Bowland shale using high pressure water pyrolysis Colin Snape (Ireland)
17.00 |
In-depth analysis of biomass and pyrolysis oils using high-resolution mass spectrometry Evan Terrel (USA)
17.10 |
Selective production of glycolaldehyde via hydrothermal pyrolysis of glucose: experiments and microkinetic modeling Pavlo Kostetsky (USA)
17.30 |
Bert van de Beld (The Netherlands)
17.45 |
Q&A |
17.55 |
End of session 3 |
Tuesday 13 April 2021
SESSION 4a Pyrolysis of polymers and plastics
Moderator: Kevin Van Geem (Belgium)
09.40 |
Production of hydrocarbons by the graded upgrading of bio-oil Shurong Wang (China)
10.00 |
Challenges and future directions in pyrolysis research at VTT Anja Oasmaa (Finland)
10.20 |
Mechanistic roles of naturally present alkaline earth metal ions in thermal activation of cellulose Vineet Maliekkal (USA)
10.30 |
Co-production of hydrogen and carbon nanotubes from waste plastics catalytic pyrolysis Haiping Yang (China)
10.50 |
Copyrolysis of wood and plastic: evaluation of kinetic data and synergistic effects through analytical pyrolysis Federica Nardella (Italy)
11.00 |
New insights into global and mechanistic modeling of polyethylene and polypropylene pyrolysis Sribala Gorugantu (USA)
11.10 |
Q&A |
11.15 |
End of session 4a |
SESSION 4b Catalyc pyrolysis
Moderator: Robert Carleer (Belgium)
11.25 |
Catalytic upgrading of pyrolysis vapors using mixed metal oxides William Locatel (France)
11.45 |
Superior activity and selectivity of mildly desilicated ZSM-5 catalysts in the catalytic pyrolysis of beech wood Stelios Stefanidis (Greece)
11.55 |
Deactivation and regeneration modes of technical catalysts employed in ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis Ana Hernandez (Spain)
12.05 |
Coproducts from catalytic fast pyrolysis enable cost-effective biofuels Mark Nimlos (USA)
12.25 |
Joeri Vercammen (Belgium)
12.40 |
Q&A |
12.45 |
End of session 4b |
SESSION 5 Pyrolysis chars characterization, upgrading and utilization
Moderator: Patrice Perreault (Belgium)
13.00 |
Applied machine learning to predict CO2 adsorption on biomass waste-derived porous carbons Yong Sik Ok (South-Korea)
13.20 |
Investigation of effect of CO2 on pyrolysis of spruce wood and bark Liang Wang (Norway)
13.30 |
The use of boron-doped additives for the prevention of char agglomeration and the preparation of boron-doped carbon microspheres during lignin pyrolysis Dong Zhiguo (China)
13.40 |
The potential use of pyrolysis char from dairy and sewage sludge as components of fertilizers James Leahy (Ireland)
14.00 |
Release of N-containing compounds during pyrolysis of dairy sludge – experimental results Marzena Kwapinska (Ireland)
14.10 |
Iron salts catalytic graphitization of bamboo: influence of species of iron salts impregnation Xia Sunwen (China)
14.20 |
Turning the pyrolysis process in the direction of satisfying quality demands of metallurigical industries Øyvind Skreiberg (Norway)
14.40 |
Karen Sam
14.55 |
Q&A |
15.05 |
End of session 5 |
SESSION 6 Catalyc pyrolysis. Bio-oil characterization, upgrading and utilization
Moderator: Wolter Prins (Belgium)
15.30 |
Enhancing bio-oil quality and energy recovery by atmospheric hydrodeoxygenation of wheat straw pyrolysis vapors using Pt and Mo-based catalysts Anker Degn Jensen (Denmark)
15.50 |
Characterisation of algal feedstock incl. catalytic pyrolysis Chris Thomas (UK)
16.00 |
Solids removal by hot vapour filtration Christian Lindfors (Finland)
16.10 |
Pyrolysis oil esterification: from 250-ml-scale to 20-L-scale Tim Schulzke (Germany)
16.30 |
Feasibility of fast pyrolysis bio-oil distillation Anke Krutof (Germany)
16.40 |
Effect of catalyst deactivation on catalytic fast pyrolysis and on catalytic upgrading of pyrolysis vapors Angelos Lappas (Greece)
17.00 |
Electrooxidation of the pyrolysis aqueous phase on boron-doped diamond electrodes Christopher Kick (Germany)
17.10 |
Recent advancements in catalytic fast pyrolysis for the production of fuels and chemicals from biomass Joshua Schaidle (USA)
17.30 |
Pyrolysis of residual biomass via thermo-catalyc reforming – experimental investigation of sewage sludge Andreas Apfelbacher (Germany)
17.50 |
Applications of biochar in gas/water purification Franco Berruti (Canada)
18.10 |
Q&A |
18.20 |
End of session 6 – Closing words |
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