2023 Ten Across Summit

Houston, Texas

January 10 - 12, 2023




Rae Ulrich
Senior Director Marketing & Communications, Ten Across
(m) 312.218.1831


Summit Premise

On the front lines of demographic, social, economic, and climate change, the U.S. Interstate 10 corridor—from Los Angeles, to Houston, to Jacksonville—presents the challenges of the 21st century in their highest relief. Ten Across summits leverage this singular transect as an observatory for the nation as a whole, one trained on critical trendlines and our capacity to respond to a knowable future.

 As one of the major cities residing on the Ten Across transect, Houston provides a unique lens for gaining greater understanding of the country's future. 

“Houston’s international and national profile, energy capital status, and renowned resilience leadership offer an ideal setting for civic leaders, researchers, and subject experts to knowledge share and identify new opportunities for collaboration in a city where the future is taking shape,” says Duke Reiter, Executive Director and Founder of Ten Across.

Press Releases

Ten Across Initiative Announces Featured Speakers and Topics for Houston Summit: The Future is Here

Press Images + Summit Graphics

Press photos and event assets are provided via ou press dropbox folders. Looking for something you can't find? Reach out to Rae Ulrich for assistance.

Who Attends 

Ten Across summits attract highly engaged and knowledgeable audience participants representing civic, policy, non-profit, education, research, and private solution provider sectors. Attendees are experts and leaders in their respective fields bringing a wealth of expertise and insight to session discussions. Ample networking opportunities are scheduled into the summit program to extend opportunities for discussion and identifying potential collaboration prospects.

Notable Ten Across Quotes

Testinmonial quotes from prior Ten Across Summit attendees:

  • “I gravitate toward big ideas that have the potential to change the world quickly...I really do believe in the Ten Across construct of taking key themes and looking at the diversity of location and how we can collectively solve wicked problems.” —Will Sarni, Founder & CEO, The Water Foundry

  • “As a former HUD secretary looking at the country as a whole, I think it’s important to highlight this region in the way [Ten Across has], because Washington doesn’t think about these areas as true urban challenges. [...] There needs to be thoughtful research and thoughtful articulation of the issues that confront this region in the national context.”—Henry Cisneros, former Mayor of San Antonio and Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development 

  • “We can’t just be looking at putting band-aids on these things. We really need to backup and look at the big picture—and I think that’s what’s happening [at Ten Across], and I’m really excited about that.” —John F. Ross, Author, The Promise of the Grand Canyon: John Wesley Powell’s Perilous Journey and His Vision for the American West