Registration for the 2021 Lung Cancer Voices Summit is NOW CLOSED.





Event Overview


How to Participate in Education and Training Days (March 23-24)

To participate in the Virtual Summit, you need to have a computer with audio and internet capabilities; most computers have a built-in audio and video hardware. We recommend having a backup microphone to increase volume functions. A strong internet connection is most important above all else.

How to Participate in the Day of Action (March 25)

In order to participate successfully in your virtual congressional meetings, you need a good telephone connection and a computer with an internet connection to access information from GO2 Foundation’s meeting schedulers. Additional information will be available closer to the event. 


More on What You Need to Know for Your Congressional Meetings:

  • All meeting times in your congressional schedule are shown in Eastern Standard Time.
  • The meeting schedule will likely be accessed through an app but most importantly, your meeting schedule may be altered based on the legislator’s availability. Please login daily to check for any updates.
  • Most meetings start times are scheduled at off times (example: 12:10pm or 10:55am), this is intentional to counter bandwidth issues. As we are setting all your meetings for you directly with the congressional offices. In cooperation with the congressional offices, please do not change meeting times. 
  • Calls are scheduled for 15-minutes blocks. They may end early or go longer, but the time frame, etiquette, and process remain the same as an in-person meeting.
  • Talking points will be provided along with an attached leave behind to reference during the call.
  • A help number will be listed for you to call regarding any last-minute cancellations, scheduling, or technical concerns.
  • Please provide feedback on how the meeting went in the Meeting Notes section of each meeting, so we can follow up to secure the support on the request.



You do not need to have special skills or experience to participate – just bring your story and your voice.

You will receive training during the Voices Summit on March 23-24. We will also have online learning resources to help you prepare, including basic information and background on the advocacy issue. For additional resources, visit our "How to Become an Advocate" webpage.

Here is a list of things to do before our Day of Action on March 25th:


  • Educate Yourself
    • ​​​​​​If this is your first time participating in our Voices Summit, learn lung cancer facts and figures through our website and educate yourself on our policy priorities.
  • Get Trained
    • 1. A pre-Summit advocacy training will be held for first time advocates on February 24th at 12pm Eastern Time. Please register in advance for this webinar, here. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing more information about the webinar. 
    • 2. Everyone will participate in an Education and Advocacy Live Training at the summit on March 23rd preparing you for congressional meetings with your legislators. In the training, you will receive tips on how to tell your story and advocate to your representatives in support of increased funding for lung cancer research.
  • Practice Telling Your Story
    • Prepare to share your personal story by practicing at home. Work on telling your story in short phrases as you answer this question: How does lung cancer impact you? During the Voices Summit training, we will supply you with talking points to personalize your message but remember your story will have the strongest impact with your legislators.








A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors!