Abstract submission
Please make sure to create your abstract according to the Abstract Submission Guidelines. Once prepared accordingly,
click Browse to locate your completed abstract file, select it and click Upload to upload your abstract.
Abstract Submission Guidelines can be downloaded here.
Important information about the submission of abstracts:
Draft Status
If you have not clicked on the submit button, your abstract will have been saved in Draft Status.
Abstracts that are in draft status after the deadline cannot be processed and therefore will not be considered for selection.
Changes and corrections
Once submitted, it is not possible to make any corrections to the abstract content or information (such as authors list and details, topic, conclusion(s) etc...).
The organizing committee is not authorized to make changes to a submission. In order to correct your abstract you must withdraw it and submit a new
corrected version prior to the deadline (See below for withdrawal procedure). Note that, such replacement of your abstract is not possible after the deadline.
In the case of errors in your abstract discovered after the deadline, you may indicate the correction during the presentation at the congress. However, changes
will not be included in the publications. If accepted, your abstract will be published as submitted.
If you want to withdraw an abstract already submitted, please notify us as quickly as possible at nido2020@congresscompany.com stating the title and number
of the abstract to be withdrawn.