19th World Congress on Disaster & Emergency Medicine
Please see below for information for oral and poster abstract presenters and other general presentation questions you may have.


All presenters must report to their Presentation Room to upload their presentation(s) during the Congress. Ideally this should be done the day before. We would like to remind you that Room 1.53 is available on Monday 20 April for Pre-Congress uploading. 

Your cooperation with this matter is important! Otherwise we cannot guarantee that your slides will be displayed properly. The exact location of your presentation room will be available in the on-site program.

Download Times:


Opening Times

Location: CTICC Level One

Monday 20th April


Please Report to Room 1.53

Tuesday 21st April


Report to your Presentation Room

Wednesday 22nd April


Report to your Presentation Room

Thursday 23rd April


Report to your Presentation Room

Friday 24th April


Report to your Presentation Room

 If you have any questions please ask at registration.

  • You will have a total of 12 minutes; 10 minutes of presentation, followed by 2 minutes time for questions from the audience. Time limits will be strictly enforced.

  • All presenters must report to the room that they are presenting in at least 4 hours prior to their scheduled presentation to upload their presentation(s)
  • Please be in the room for your session 10 minutes before the start time of the session. The Session Chairs will start and end strictly on time.

  • You are asked to prepare a PPT Presentation with a suggested maximum 10 slides (not including title and disclosure slide) for your presentation.
  • All computers will be PC - please prepare all presentations so that a PC computer can read your format. NO MAC COMPUTERS provided. If you wish to bring your own MAC computer you will also need to provide the AV cable.

  • All presenters MUST include a statement disclosing any conflict of interest related to your abstract as the first slide of your presentation after the title slide. 
  • Presenters can use their own PPT template or download the WCDEM PPT template for their presentation.

  • Filename label format have to be made up as follows:
1.            Surname of presenter
2.            Session Name
3.            Date/day
                      Example    : SURNAMEMassGatheringstues.ppt 

All presenters must fill out and submit a Speaker Disclosure Form to WCDEM2015@icsevents.com before the Congress or their abstract will be withdrawn.

Details on the location, setup and teardown times and presentation times are listed below.

  • Location: Cape Town Convention Centre, Ballroom East and West.

  • Set-up Date, Time: 2015-April-21, 14:00-16:00 

  • Strike Date, Time: 2015-April-23, 13:45-15:00 (Posters not taken down after 18:00 will be discarded by management)

  • Presenting Author Stand By Time is during the Refreshment Breaks on day of your Poster Session. Time in which Poster Presenter remains at his/her Poster Board for the specified time period and is available to discuss their research personally with any interested delegates.
  • Maximum Poster Size: 594 mm (Height) x 841 mm (Width)
  • Each Poster Board will display two posters side by side. (Landscape) It is important that you do not exceed the width of 841 mm for your printed poster. Otherwise, your poster will have to be trimmed to fit the given display area.
  • Poster Boards will be push pin compatible. Push pins will be provided.
  • Please pay close attention to the date and time when you must set-up your poster. Your poster will be on display for 3 days, with a moderated poster discussion session scheduled within the 3 day time period. Any posters left unattended after the strike time, will be disposed of.
  • Keep illustrations and text simple, remember that one must be able to read it from a distance

  • Prepare your poster thoughtfully, remember that more than 100 posters will be presented at the same time - make your poster interesting!
  • The Poster Boards will be numbered by the poster numbers. Please note down your poster number so that you can easily identify your designated poster display area.