Print Ingathering bulletin insert
Each year at our Annual Conference gathering churches are asked to donate items for people in need or people suffering from disasters. This year the conference Mission Motivation committee is working with Midwest Distribution Center to collect items for the Personal Dignity Kits and Home Care Kits.
Midwest Distribution Center distributes the kits locally, nationally and internationally to those in need during times of crisis. All supplies are given free of charge regardless of gender, race or religion.
Midwest Mission is one of eight cooperating depots in the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Supply Network. Midwest Mission distributes UMCOR supplies in response to disasters within the United States.
All items should be delivered to the Ingathering truck at WI Annual Conference 2022 which will be located on Elm Street behind the KI Convention Center.
Volunteers will be on hand to load supplies: Friday, June 10th 10am – 4pm & Saturday, June 11th 8am – 2pm.
For those of you NOT headed to Green Bay for Annual Conference, several churches have agreed to be drop-off sites. Gathered supplies should be dropped off by June 8th at a drop site so they can get this to Green Bay for Annual Conference. Please contact the drop-off site in advance to arrange a time to deliver your supplies.
Items collected for the 2022 Ingathering will again include those designated for Midwest Mission Distribution Center and those designated for Wisconsin Conference Agencies and Projects: Harbor House, Northcott, UM Children’s Services and Solomon Outreach. When the items are delivered to Annual Conference in June, we will ask for a list of the items donated; you can help the person who delivers the items – and save everyone some time- by having that list available with the supplies. All items should be NEW – and all kits should have only the items requested. Thanks!
Listed below are the items for the Wisconsin Annual Conference Hospitality Kits. Please note that these are similar to, but not the same as the Personal Dignity Kits listed on the back for MMDC. Place each WAC Kit in a 1-gallon plastic zipper bag. PLEASE BE SURE TO LABEL AS A WAC Kit!
Home Care Kit ($20 Value) • 2 Liquid Household Cleaners - 16-40 oz No spray bottles • 2 Dish Soaps - 16-34 oz • 2 Liquid Laundry Detergents - 32-64 oz • 1 Scrub Brush - with or without handle • 1 - 5 gallon Round Bucket with resealable lid. All items must be NEW & placed in the bucket.
Personal Dignity Kit ($15 Value) • 1 Bath Hand Towel - No kitchen towels • 1 Bath Washcloth - No dishcloths • 1 Adult Toothbrush - No multi-packs • 1 Bar Soap - 3-4 oz • 1 Shampoo - 15-18 oz • 1 Deodorant - 2-3 oz - stick, roll on, or pump • 1 1-gallon Resealable Plastic Bag
$2 donation for razor and toothpaste(do not put in kit). All other items must be NEW & placed in a 1-gallon resealable plastic bag.
NOTE: MMDC requests a $1 shipping fee for each kit and $1.50 per bucket for the UMCOR Cleaning Kits.
Bring a monetary donation to Annual Conference or send to:
MMDC Delegate for WI Conference Mission Motivation Chair
262-497-9969 920-922-6332 or 715-495-1213