Tuesday, June 7:
Laity Session: via Zoom (recorded)
Date: June 7th, 2022
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Great music; Message from our Bishop; Insite from our assistant to the Bishop Dan Schwerin; Updates on North Central Jurisdiction and General Conference from our elected delegates
Please join us for a wonderful evening in preparation for the Annual Conference.
Clergy Session: (CLERGY ONLY) 6pm – 9pm via Zoom (NOT recorded)
Friday, June 10:
Saturday, June 11:
Ordination and Commissioning Service
Monday, June 13:
Cultural Competency Training- The goal of the Anti-Racism Training is to provide clergy and laity with resources they can take back and use in their local congregations.
- Registration is FREE on this day and attendance is not limited to Annual Conference attendees--all are welcome! Register ahead of time for meals and room size can be arranged.
Award nominations will close on April 16.
A video announcement of each award will be available online.
Award Descriptions:
- Thelma W. Gregg Award
- Harry Denman Award
- Love in Action Award
- Perry Saito Award
- Francis Asbury Award
- Lois C. Olsen "Ministry of Memory" Award
Ordination and Commissioning Service
Friday, June 10
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Rehearsal for Ordination & Commissioning
Sunday, June 12
4:00pm - 6:30pm
Break/Robing of clergy/Ordinands Picture
Location and time: TBD
Meet & Greet
Location: Room A1 / A2 after service
*More Information to come at a later date.
*Times are tentative, subject to change.
Due to Covid, no Retiree Luncheon will be held at Annual Conference.
Rychie Breidenstein
Norman Bude
Craig Conklin
Mary Anne Conklin
Joel Deaner-Rogers
Don Greer
Paul Gregersen
Greg Jewison
Susan Leih
Wendee Nitz
Jorge Mayorga
Blake Overlien
Pamela Priewe
Scott Walters
Forrest Wells
Amy Jameson Yachovich
Registration for Retirees is required. Once you are retired, there is no charge for Retirees to attend Annual Conference.
We hope to see you this year at WI Annual Conference to learn and celebrate!