This is Long Term Care 2018 Conference
Call for Content
Applications are now closed
The Ontario Long Term Care Association’s signature conference, This is Long Term Care 2018: Disrupting the Norm, profiles new and emerging research, innovation, and successful quality initiatives in a unique forum designed for learning, networking and information sharing. This year we are issuing a challenge to presenters to think out-of-the-box and challenge the status quo. In so many ways, our industry is headed for a shake-up. From our changing demographics and capacity challenges to keeping pace with the evolving needs of residents and families. As leaders, we must disrupt the norm and lead with a positive change in the sector.
Submit your This is Long Term Care 2018 abstracts now!
The Ontario Long Term Care Association’s This is Long Term Care 2018 conference profiles emerging research and innovation and successful quality initiatives in a unique forum designed for learning, networking and information sharing. It provides an unparalleled opportunity for our members to hear about cutting edge ideas as well as existing best practice programs that have tools, resources, policies and procedures which can be implemented across the sector.
Click here to download the Call for Content – Instructions for Applicants for full details on session formats, themes, and the submission process.
The Association invites you to submit your abstract to This is Long Term Care 2018 conference.
This year applicants can apply to present in one of four different formats:
- Workshop
- World Café
- Oral Presentation
- Poster Session
Important dates:
- Call for Content close date is Friday, April 20, 2018 at 12:00 noon
- Applicants will be notified of the decision between Monday, June 11 and Friday, June 22, 2018. (date subject to change, pending application close extension)
- Conference registration opens Monday, August 27, 2018.
- All selected presenters must be registered as a conference delegate, exhibitor or sponsor by Monday, October 8, 2018.
- This is Long Term Care conference will take place Wednesday, November 14 – Friday, November 16, 2018.
For queries regarding application content, please contact:
Vinita Haroun
Director, Research & Knowledge Translation
Director, Research & Knowledge Translation
For queries regarding the online application process, please contact:
Daniela Nogueira
Conference Secretariat
Daniela Nogueira
Conference Secretariat
T: 519.263.5050 / 519.263.6003(direct)