Sustainability in the Digital Age
Modify Registration
Expense Reimbursements


CIFAR will send a letter outlining our funding for your airfare, which you can then book directly. If it is not possible for you to directly book airfare and receive reimbursement, please contact as early as possible to make alternate arrangements. 


Expenses will be reimbursed within the CIFAR guidelines on submission of a claims form and individual receipts following the workshop.

Accommodations will be booked and paid by CIFAR, based on your booking dates during the registration process (up to 3 nights).

Most meals will be provided during the workshop.

Please download and complete the claims forms on the right hand side of this page and email to following the workshop.  (please allow 4-6 weeks for processing).


The deadline to submit an expense claim for this workshop is November 20, 2019.