Co-developed with the following AOM Division and Interest Groups:
Entrepreneurship Organizational Management and Theory
International Management Strategic Management
Organizational Behavior Technology and Innovation Management
Organizing Committee |
Shiko Ben-Menahem
ETH Zurich
Ella Miron-Spektor
INSEAD, Technion
Uriel Stettner
Tel Aviv University
Advisory Board |
Teresa Amabile
Harvard University
Linda Argote
Carnegie Mellon University
Peter Bamberger
Tel Aviv University
Joel Baum
University of Toronto
Aya S. Chacar
Florida International University
Gilad Chen
University of Maryland
Christina Guenther
WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
Niron Hashai
The Interdisciplinary Center, Herzliya
Mike Hitt
Texas A&M University
Duane Ireland
Texas A&M University
Dovev Lavie
Bocconi University
Oded Shenkar
Ohio State University
Brian Silverman
University of Toronto
Christopher Tucci
EPFL Lausanne
Georg von Krogh
ETH Zurich