Supporting Nursing Moms at Work Webinar for the Breastfeeding Community
Making it Work:
Using New National Tools to Help Employers
Support Nursing Moms

New moms who return to work after having a baby often WANT to continue breastfeeding, but find the demands of motherhood and employment overwhelming.  These challenges are even greater for women working in hourly-wage jobs in non-office settings where time and space options to express milk might not be apparent. At the same time, employers of these women are often less likely to know how to support them, even though creative solutions abound. 

This webinar will introduce and demonstrate a NEW online resource that breastfeeding coalitions, WIC agencies, and other community partners can utilize to assist local employers and their employees with supporting nursing moms at work. The resource site is available at and is provided by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health.

This webinar will address common barriers to breastfeeding among women returning to work and will identify practical solutions for them in a variety of industries, based on the profiles from 200 businesses nationwide. The webinar will highlight data gathered in 29 states representing 22 major industry sectors as well as segments of some of the 28 available online videos.

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