INS 2017 Infusion Nursing Grand Rounds
Welcome to the Grand Round Service Center 

Congratulations on your selection as a Grand Round presenter at INS 2017 in Minneapolis. We look forward to the information you have to share. The following information will help guide you as you prepare your presentation. If you have questions, please contact INS. 

INS is a provider of continuing nursing education (CNE) units through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). All educational sessions receiving CNE units, including Grand Rounds, are subject to and must adhere to ANCC accreditation guidelines. In keeping with these guidelines, your PPT must be submitted and reviewed by the INS Education Department prior it being presented. PPTs are reviewed to determine if the content reflects the stated learning outcome(s), as well as the following requirements: 

  • Educational content must be fair and balanced and not include any commercial bias about a specific device or medication.
  • Corporate logos, including hospital, clinic, or any business logos, may not be included on any of the PPT slides. 
  • Presenters must receive permission to use any copyrighted material (such as photos and some video). Learn about obtaining permissions HERE.

If your presentation violates ANCC accreditation guidelines, you'll be contacted by the INS Education department. IF YOUR PPT IS NOT SUBMITTED BY THE REQUIRED DEADLINE, YOU WON'T BE ALLOWED TO PRESENT. Please plan accordingly. 

Prepare Your Presentation 
If this is your first PPT, there are numerous resources available to you, especially on the internet. For INS 2017, please download and use the PPT template from the link below. A few suggestions for your presentation that are specific to this meeting: 
  • The file size upload limit is 30 megabytes. 
  • Video content should be limited and not exceed 5 minutes total. 
  • Limit the amount of content on your slides. 4-6 bullet points keeps slide from being too "busy". 
  • Speaker notes that are available in PPT will NOT be available to you during your presentation. Print out any speaker notes prior to the meeting and bring those with you. 

You'll have 20 minutes for your presentation. We recommend limiting the presentation to 15 minutes to allow time for questions from the audience. Please be respectful of the presenters that follow you, and do not go over your time limit. 

Submit Your Presentation 
For easier identification of presentations, name and save your PPT file using your full name and "GR". For example:
First name Last name GR

The deadline to submit your presentation is APRIL 10, 2017. Click on the link below to upload (submit) your PPT. You'll receive an email to confirm the PPT was successfully uploaded. If there is any reason you are unable to meet the deadline, please contact INS as soon as possible. 

AS A REMINDER: Grand Round presenters must be registered to attend INS 2017. All expenses related to the presentation and meeting attendance (including but not limited to travel, transportation, lodging, and meals) are the responsibility of the presenter. INDUSTRY OR CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP OR SUPPORT IS NOT ALLOWED. Only one presenter is allowed for each Grand Round presentation. 

See you in Minneapolis!