04/09/2015 | |
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Love, Live, Let Go, and Make a Difference: Four Practices for Transforming Your Life and Work Oneida Patti Digh, Author Both in your personal life and as an educator, you have immense capacity to make a difference with your life. Are you tapping into that creative, brave, generous energy? In this keynote address, Patti will outline four practices for transformation: Loving Well, Living Fully, Letting Go Deeply, and Making a Difference. Her stories and truths will help you reimagine your role as an educator – and as a person. |
04/10/2015 | |
7:00 am - 8:00 am | Redshirting in Kindergarten: The Effects of Delayed Entry to Kindergarten Cayuga Katie Suhr Forty-four states and the District of Columbia have set arbitrary dates for students to turn five years old and become eligible for kindergarten. Through this presentation participants will gain knowledge of the differences in state policies per entry to kindergarten as well as trends in delayed entry to Kindergarten. Additionally, participants will learn about the impact of a decision to Redshirt a kindergarten student. |
7:00 am - 8:00 am | Looking Outside the Box: How Grants and Creative Partnerships Can Enhance Preschool Instruction Briar Erica Vernold Miller Do you have a great instructional idea but struggle with how to fund and/or provide the labor to make your idea a reality? This workshop chronicles the evolution of one “great instructional idea” from the planning stages to its implementation and gives participants a roadmap for how to: 1) formulate an action plan 2) obtain funding, and 3) establish productive partnerships that will make their idea a reality. |
7:00 am - 8:00 am | Creative Literacy Based, Critical Thinking Activities Tuscarora Participants will enjoy a hands-on workshop where they will explore myriad ways to create and enhance their language arts/reading curriculum. The techniques and strategies will offer participants ways in which to provide literacy in an engaging way that will enable children to think both autonomously and critically. |
7:00 am - 8:00 am | Live, Love, Laugh and Learn: How online courses can help you to continue to learn and grow as an Early Childhood Educator and help you to earn the NYSAEYC Credentials. Oak “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”- Albert Einstein Join us as we talk to a panel of early childhood educators, center directors and instructors who have gone through the credentialing process together and hear real stories from the field to learn if the online child care credential courses are right for you. We will connect live, via online web conferencing with this panel from across the country demonstrating how an online learning community works. |
7:00 am - 8:00 am | Children's Program Administrator Credential: You can do it! No location Participants will explore requirements for the CPAC credential; how to submit a portfolio, complete an activity for one of the competency criteria. Objectives: familiarize participants with the CPAC credential; provide hands on activity for criteria and to encourage participants to actually complete the credential paperwork. |
7:00 am - 8:00 am | Creating Purposeful Meaningful Transitions Mohawk Purposeful and meaning transitions can be accomplished using music, props and other various materials. Discover ways to create smooth transitions for early childhood classrooms and childcare centers. Build a tool box of ideas that will transform transitions from challenging times to learning experiences that are purposeful, meaningful, age and developmentally appropriate. Interactive workshop of hearing and sharing ideas with others in the early childhood field. |
7:00 am - 8:00 am | Yogapalooza: Music, Tips & Fun Tools for Incorporating Yoga into the Classroom No location Bari Koral A trip to the moon? Growing from seeds into apple trees? Learn to easily incorporate yoga into your classroom through music, breathing activities, relaxation and more! Beloved recording artist, educator, and Yogapalooza TV host Bari Koral will share fun musical activities and powerful tools that build confidence, strength, coordination and greatly improve emotional well-being. |
8:30 am - 10:00 am | Putting the Pieces Back Together: Nurturing the Whole Child and the Creative Thinker Oneida Dr. Rebecca Isbell Today’s headlines scream that creativity is declining in the United States. This is happening as we are focusing on the separate parts of the young child: learning, language, social, emotional, and physical development. Although each domain is important- It is time to put the pieces back together and recognize that young children develop holistically while participating in integrated experiences. Discover how the skills needed in the 21st Century can be supported in Young Children. Gain insight into ways to design a classroom for young children that will inspire their learning in holistic ways while encouraging creative thinkers. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | I got it! Comprehension in Early Childhood Oneida Comprehension is the goal of reading instruction. Before conventional reading, early childhood educators have the opportunity to establish comprehension strategies. This workshop will discuss the importance of comprehension in emergent literacy development as well as instructional activities and ways to assess student understanding. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Beyond Beautiful Smiles: Oral Health in the Child Care Setting Meadow Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood and insufficient access to oral health services is a reality for many young children. This workshop will review the vital role of child care setting in the primary prevention of oral health diseases and participants will discuss best practices and opportunities for oral health promotion, screening and referral. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Building Better Brains by Learning On the Move Chautauqa/Canadaigua/Saranac Sharon Boggs Fact: MOVEMENT IS CRITICAL TO LEARNING. The participants will hear about and experience ways to use movement concepts and skills while integrating & reinforcing classroom standards and concepts. All based on the latest brain and fitness/health research that proves; “Exercise Builds Better Brains”. The participants will leave with activities and tools to create their own lessons with movement. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Rethinking Our Traditions Briar Traditions are expected and important components of preschool culture. With an increasing number of children diagnosed with food allergies, we began rethinking food-oriented celebrations - new traditions for families, Craft Day and Messy Day, highlight author/illustrators and science concepts. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Let’s Get Together: A Parent-Child Interaction Program Willow Theresa Meredith A one hour play-based, parent-child interaction program that emphasizes building conversations has been implemented by the presenters once a month for 8 consecutive years. This program will be described, and the details of the rationale, content, and implementation will be shared, complete with examples and photos to help you develop a similar program to involve your pre-K and K families. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Who Doesn't Love Children's Picture Books? Catskill Jerine Faber Use a child's natural curiosity and desire to play in this hands on, very interactive session! Learn how to select a child's picture book, be able to state what the learning objectives are, and attach meaning to the book that will enrich the literacy experience for the child in an interactive way. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | New York’s Early Childhood Advisory Council – A conversation about early childhood services system building in New York State Cypress AB The presenters will discuss and provide handouts on the work of the Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) to build a high-quality system of supports and services for young children and their families. They will then lead a discussion about issues that participants are facing and how the ECAC can help them and their community initiatives succeed in their work. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Hands on Art: What is it? How do you document it? Seneca In this interactive presentation, participants will learn about hands on art. Participants will also discuss how to document the art process and will use the knowledge gained from this discussion to create a documentation panel geared towards families. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | It Takes a Village: Building a Partnership Between Parents and Teachers Adirondack Teresa Perez We will provide fresh ideas on how to develop open communication and trust with parents. Through the use of multimedia presentations, samples, templates, group discussions and interactive demonstrations, we will offer ideas for back to school nights, meet the teacher nights, parent workshops and increasing parent involvement and support in your classroom. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | The Collaborative Community: Working Together to Promote High Quality Care for Children Cypress C Come to this session to energize your thinking about ways to strengthen your local infrastructure to benefit children and families. We will discuss the power of collaboration and highlight successful cooperative ventures that have changed the local early childhood landscape. Both family child care and center care will be represented in the examples highlighted. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Maintain Files That Make Your Licensor Smile Oak Take the stress out of your next OCFS file review with this no panic approach to compliance focusing on staff orientation, employee/child documentation & file maintenance. We’ll walk through a Quality Stars NY participating center’s current internal system and provide you with templates, examples and resources to help you create a similar process to fit your needs. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Green Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting for Early Care and Education Onondaga Carol Westinghouse Research has shown that some cleaning products used in child care programs contain chemicals that can cause asthma or trigger asthma episodes as well as other health issues. Learn how to identify safer products by reading Safety Data Sheets, labels and other resources. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | A Trip Through the Looking Glass: Helping Children and Teachers Become Better Observers Appalachian Sandra Malcolm Techniques will be shared and practiced that can be used to help children become better observers of the world around them and teachers better observers for assessment purposes. This interactive workshop will have participants experimenting with techniques and discussing findings with others. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Improving Social-Emotional Competencies in Preschool Age Children Using Evidence-Based Curriculum and In-class Coaching Cypress DE Meghan Guinnee PEDALS, a project in Western New York, improved social emotional competency in 3 and 4 year old children in 48 classrooms at Head Start, UPK, nonprofit, and proprietary childcare centers. Classrooms implemented evidence-based social-emotional curriculum and received in-classroom coaching; in this session we share learnings and tools relevant to programs considering such curricula and mentoring programs. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | Learning Communities: A Good Place to Foster Continuous Quality Improvement Cayuga Sara Lamoreaux Learn how Buffalo and Rochester have created QUALITYstarsNY Learning Communities, in order to create a good place to explore best practices in early childhood education, develop leadership, and foster continuous quality improvement. Discover ways to develop your own Learning Community. |
10:30 am - 12:00 pm | The One Constant in Life is Change: The Child Care and Development Act of 2014 and its Impact on Child Care in New York State Mohawk Janice Molnar, Deputy Commissioner, New York State Office of Children & Family Services Jim Hart, Director of Regional Operations, Division of Child Care Services, New York State Office of Children & Family Services The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG) is the primary federal program that provides funds to States and Territories to help low-income families obtain child care, and to improve the overall quality of child care which, in New York State, also includes the licensing and regulatory system. CCDBG has not seen a comprehensive reauthorization since 1996. The CCDBG Act of 2014 reauthorization bill was signed into law on November 19, 2014 by President Obama. This workshop will provide summary information on key provisions of the bill and the potential implications for the child care provider community in New York State. |
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | AfterSchool Works! NY Lunch and Learn Oak Come to this workshop to learn the value of becoming a member of AfterSchool Works! NY, how you can get more involved with ASW and most importantly, learn about our great quality initiatives such as Accreditation and Credentialing. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Providing Continuity of Care Tuscarora We know that infants and toddlers need a secure base to explore the world. Through positive changes in the Child Care Center we can provide a model that is good for Centers, parents and staff. We will increase positive attachment between child and caregiver as well as improve family involvement. 'It takes a village' to raise a child has spun into giving children a team who work together in the best interest of the child and promote positive change in childcare centers. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Program Budgeting - Understanding and evaluating your operating costs Cayuga Whether you are a small home provider or a program within a much a larger organization understanding your budgeting formula is critical to your long term sustainability. We will explore helpful tools that allow you to be more responsive sudden changes in your revenue and/or expenses. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Are you a coach in the field of Early Care and Learning? Come learn about newly developed Coaching Competencies for NYS and give your feedback. Appalachian Bonnie Beukema Bonnie.Beukema@cuny., Deputy Director, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) /CUNY Diana Diaz, Registry Manager, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute Avril Mills, Professional Development Coordinator, NYSAEYC “We invite all technical assistance providers to come and learn about NY’s current progress toward developing competencies for coaches. The New York State Early Childhood Advisory Council Workforce Development Work-group has been tasked to lead state efforts to develop a set of specific standards for relationship-based professional development, starting with competencies to guide coaching work around the state. This session will include information on national trends in technical assistance, the needs in our state, and proposed “next steps” for moving this work forward. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Your Role in Developmental Screening Meadow Techniques, supports and tools to support efforts in childcare to promote improved practices around developmental screening will be shared. The relationship between early screening and referral school readiness and lifelong health will be emphasized. An emphasis on supports at the provider, program and community linkage level will be described as will techniques for improved communication with the medical home and enhanced parent engagement. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Ethics: Navigating the Gray Area Cypress C Participants will explore the NAEYC Ethical Code of Conduct through several case studies. We will analyze potentially unethical practices, resolve ethical dilemmas, and discuss ways to uphold standards of confidentiality, sensitivity, and respect for children, families and colleagues. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | The Special Needs Child in Your Classroom- Activities for Successful Integration Chautauqa/Canadaigua/Saranac Monica Levy Utilizing power-point, inspiring hands-on activities, discussion and collaboration, participants will learn how to incorporate movement activities in their classrooms that target areas of particular difficulty for special needs children. Activities that encourage symmetrical movement, self-regulation, body awareness, communication and gross motor skills are the main focus and participants will leave the presentation prepared and confident. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Writing a Mini Grant Briar Do you have an idea that could turn into an exciting project for a project but are short on funds? Then this is the workshop for you! All NYSAEYC members are eligible to apply for up to $500 to implement a project in their classroom or program. Come find out how to apply for a NYSAEYC Mini grant. We will guide you through the process. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Creating a Culture of Collaboration in Early Childcare Settings Catskill This presentation will discuss the essential elements of collaboration in service to young children. In addition, this presentation will discuss the challenges individuals are faced with when trying to collaborate and most importantly, this workshop will provide attendees with specific strategies that can be used to facilitate and enhance collaboration among service providers in an educational environment. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Special Needs: Strategies for School-Age Caregivers Oak Providing care for children with special needs can be challenging at times. Come to this workshop to learn concrete strategies on adapting the physical and sensory environment for children with special needs. Participants will gain an awareness of how to provide respectful accommodations so that children with special needs can have meaningful experiences during the out of school time. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Bringing the Outdoors In Onondaga Sandra Dixon Learn how to use natural elements like sticks, rocks, seeds, dirt and mud to enrich your curriculum, captivate your students and help them develop a sense of place and connection to the natural world. Hands-on materials and photographs depicting ways to use the natural materials to teach math, reading, language and writing skills will be presented. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Playing with a Purpose No location Amber Stacy This hands on workshop will provide ideas and opportunities to learn the best use of manipulatives and fine motor play to promote independence and skill building in toddler and early preschool classrooms while simultaneously diminishing challenging behaviors in the classroom. The workshop will include classroom activity ideas, a "how to" guide, along with some troubleshooting help for common problems. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Getting to the Core of Literacy: Speaking, Reading, and Writing Oneida Dr. Rebecca Isbell Common Core has provided renewed attention to helping children participating in meaningful literacy experiences. Investigate how young children develop language and express their thinking in both speaking and writing. Discover how to encourage positive interest in books and reading that can also support the comprehension of the story. |
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm | When life is Stressful..How do we cope Affectively Cypress DE In this workshop we will define stress, determine what causes stress, identify our own stressors both good and bad, talk about the affects of stress on our body-practice coping skills and develop a self care plan. |
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm | It’s Time –Day Care Center Regulations Coming of Age Mohawk The Office of Children and Family Services has been sharing ideas, taking public comment, and working with directors, staff and managers to produce regulations that support the well-being of children in care. This is your opportunity to hear the results, ask questions and celebrate this major milestone for all children cared for in child care centers in New York State. |
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Where Is the Math? Adirondack Mathematics is the underlying language of science but it is used in everyone's daily life. Understanding its basic concepts and supporting gradual mastering of such language in a developmentally appropriate way is essential. Through hands-on experiences, analysis of standards and expectations for young children, whole- and small-group discussion, and exploration of children's literature, we will put together a repertoire of math play experiences to use in classrooms and share with families. |
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Using the Core Body of Knowledge (CBK) to Supervise Staff and Identify Professional Development Needs Cypress AB The Core Body of Knowledge (CBK) provides a framework for supervisors to evaluate performance of individual staff and supports the planning of professional development to ensure that it is intentional and relevant to the strengths, interests, and needs of each teacher. Using the CBK Assessment and Professional Development Planning Tool, we will analyze various video clips to gather information to guide supervisory discussions, performance appraisals, and professional development plans. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Texture Table/Sensory Activities for Infants and Toddlers Tuscarora Kristi Cusa This hands-on workshop will focus on the use of a variety of materials for sensory exploration by young children as well as alternatives to the use of the traditional texture table. Participants will gain an understanding of the standards and guidelines of the NYS Early Learning Guidelines, NYS Core Body of Knowledge, and NAEYC accreditation as they pertain to sensory learning for young children. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Building A Dependable Staff Cayuga This training will help you to decide what the key elements to your program are, concerning staff. How to build them up, and keep them happy. You will gain some new ideas and tools to use at your centers after the conference. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Promoting Physical Activity and Nutrition Meadow This workshop will address screen time reduction, improved nutrition, increased physical activity and breastfeeding promotion in childcare and the convergence of healthy living practices. Participants will learn about tools and techniques to achieve Quality Stars NY standards for promoting healthy practices in the early care and learning environment. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Everyone Has a Story - Learning From the Experiences of Others Cypress C This session will provide an opportunity for participants to become aware of how to use their experiences, passion, and knowledge in the field as a basis for mentoring and training early childhood professionals. Sharing stories along with the use of the NYS Core Body of Knowledge will guide this session. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Magnifying Your Contracts and Policies Briar The new OCFS Regulations include new requirements for communicating with parents and new safety procedures . This interactive workshop is designed to help family and group family child care providers develop policies and procedures that will help meet the regulations. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Promoting Healthy Attachment and Trust: Primary Caregiving and Continuity of Care with Infants and Toddlers in the ChildCare Setting Willow Offering infants and toddlers a program that incorporates Continuity of Caregivers and Primary Caregiving is best practice but it's difficult to do. This session will discuss the research behind attachment, benefits to the children and the staff, how to work with OCFS to make Continuity possible and how to set up a Continuity of Care model! |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Jump, Jive, and Wail! Music and Movement for Kids Chautauqa/Canadaigua/Saranac Participants will sing, and move while they learn great songs, games, and dances for children of all ages. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Taking the Journey Towards Quality by Using the Environment Rating Scales Appalachian Tricia Sifford ERS assessments give more than a score. Learn how to effectively use these instruments for program improvement, gain a deeper understanding of the scales & see before/after pictures of classroom quality improvement. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Who Cares in Child Care?: A Reflective Examination of Early Childhood Practitioner Practices Based Upon the Ethic and Fidelity of Care Catskill This session will provide early childhood practitioners with an opportunity to reflect and examine their individual professional practices within the context of caring. This session will provide early childhood practitioners with an opportunity to reflect and examine their individual professional practices within the context of caring. _ |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Stepping Into Leadership Oak Amanda Meeson The front line staff who work with youth are charged with creating innovative and dynamic programming—how are we supporting the staff that lead them? In this interactive workshop, participants will explore strategies for successfully leading a team, including observation and assessment tools, on-going professional development techniques, motivational practices, and tools for effective communication to create a high performing team. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Hidden Hazards on the Playground Onondaga Supervising children as they explore their physical skills on the playground is one crucial part to ensuring their safety. Playground safety needs to be assessed on a regular basis. Discover ways to enhance the safety of your programs playground while continuing to encourage children’s physical development. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | Behavior Modification Within Your Classroom Seneca This interactive workshop will provide practitioners with multiple theories and techniques in behavior modification. During the workshop participants will work to develop a plan for a challenging behavior a student exhibits, and will be able to take away a myriad of ideas and possible solutions. |
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm | New Autism Diagnostic Criteria:Learning to Observe the Behaviors in Young Children Cypress DE Patricia Towle This workshop will update the learner on the new DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder. Videos and conceptual frameworks will be used to illustrate specific behaviors so that those working with young children can become better observers for early detection of ASD. |
04/11/2015 | |
6:45 am - 7:45 am | Building Better Brains by Learning On the Move Chautauqa/Canadaigua/Saranac Sharon Boggs Fact: MOVEMENT IS CRITICAL TO LEARNING. The participants will hear about and experience ways to use movement concepts and skills while integrating & reinforcing classroom standards and concepts. All based on the latest brain and fitness/health research that proves; “Exercise Builds Better Brains”. The participants will leave with activities and tools to create their own lessons with movement. |
6:45 am - 7:45 am | You and Me and Toy Makes Three: Using toys to support infant-toddler learning and development. Onondaga Gabriel Guyton We will explore how to choose toys and activities with intentionality and embrace the joys of homemade toys, as a way to better support development of infants and toddlers. |
6:45 am - 7:45 am | Mandated Reporter Training: Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse Seneca Do you know about the responsibilities and your role as Mandated Reporter? Child care providers are "mandated" by law to report cases of suspected child abuse and maltreatment. This training will provide information regarding identification of physical and behavioral indicators, as well as a description of the legal framework for the NYS Child Protection System. |
6:45 am - 7:45 am | New York State Family Child Care Credential Meadow The New York State Family Child Care Credential is designed to formally recognize those practitioners who demonstrate competence and knowledge in the professional practices of their Family Child Care program. Come learn about the process and take the first steps to achieve a new professional goal. |
6:45 am - 7:45 am | Help! My Class is a Disorganized Mess Cayuga Betsy Abramson The presentation will focus on the importance of an organized classroom and the benefits it provides the teachers and children. Ideas will be given and people will have the chance to create several organizational tools as well as network with others to share ideas. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Supporting Bilingualism in Early Chilhdood Willow M. Victoria Rodriguez This presentation will examine the home language experiences of three young Latino girls who were exposed to English and Spanish at home. Educators will learn about: the challenges that parents face to educate their children bilingually; the ways early childhood centers can support children and families to reach their goals; and strategies to enhance the home language in school. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Yogapalooza: Music, Tips & Fun Tools for Incorporating Yoga into the Classroom Chautauqa/Canadaigua/Saranac Bari Koral A trip to the moon? Growing from seeds into apple trees? Learn to easily incorporate yoga into your classroom through music, breathing activities, relaxation and more! Beloved recording artist, educator, and Yogapalooza TV host Bari Koral will share fun musical activities and powerful tools that build confidence, strength, coordination and greatly improve emotional well-being. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Aspire-New York’s Registry for Early Childhood Professionals Cypress AB This workshop provides an overview of Aspire, the professional development tool for early childhood professionals. During this interactive presentation, we will demonstrate the steps to complete the online application; and how to use Aspire’s Statewide Training Calendar, Career Ladder and other tools to plan your professional development. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Using Common Classroom Materials and Experiences to Support Problem Solving in Toddlers Tuscarora Teachers know that toddlers are curious and persistent: and we all admire the young child's ability to use everyday materials in creative and unexpected problem solving ways. We can provide materials, activities, and experiences that promote thinking, language learning, emotional development, and the feelings of competence that translate into a child's confident belief that "I can make things happen." |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Making or Breaking a Child's Day: The Pivotal Influence of the Teacher Mohawk Susan Neal Come to this interactive workshop to learn how to help every child find acceptance, learn coping skills, and feel valued in a group setting. Presenters will showcase findings from well-known early childhood experts leading participants to discover winning ways to adapt teaching methods and approaches that accommodate children’s individual differences and needs while maintaining an environment of encouragement within a vibrant classroom community |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Discipline and the School Age Child Oak Six Steps to improve your effectiveness in changing from a “Reactionary Discipline” approach to using “Positive Guidance Techniques” and helping children to be part of the solution. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Making a Difference: A DIY Approach to Marketing, Community Building, and Transforming Environments Cypress C Sheri Dushane This workshop will highlight a project from the Capital District Child Care Council Called Make a Difference One Play Space at a Time. Innovative strategies to market your program, fundraise, and build a strong community presence will be shared. The initial project was partially funded by the NAEYC mini-grant withsustaining funds raised through crowdfunding. Through creativity, collaboration and imagination you too can make a difference! |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Put It In Writing Briar Bonnie Caldwell, Early Learning and Care Representative, CSEA In this session participants will learn how to communicate effectively with parents and employees in writing. At this session we will cover many topic areas that are necessary to be successful when creating parent and employee manuals. We will also share information on both federal and state tax laws when hiring employees and family members. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | For the Love of Riley: Promoting Social and Emotional Development Through Pet Care Oneida Gail Wentworth Curriculum about healthy and loving pet care encompasses science, social studies, and literacy content and promotes social/emotional development. Through presentation of a community service project for young children, participants will learn how a little dog named ‘Riley’ stimulated early childhood college students' lesson planning and young children’s curiosity - helping them all deepen their understanding of proper pet care. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | How to be your Own Best Friend Seneca In this session participants will learn how to put their best foot forward when talking and building relationships with their legislators. Elected officials in Washington, Albany, and your county make important decisions about child care funding and policy every day. They need to hear from you! Presenters will lay out who they are, what’s the message, and how to build the power that puts early learning and care at the TOP of New York’s agenda. Presenters: Denise Dowell, Teresa Adell |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | RECAP - A Continuous Quality Improvement System for Early Education Appalachian Lauri Brugger Early education teachers, administrators and stakeholders need to make important decisions using accurate and timely data. Participants will learn about RECAP, a successful assessment partnership model that provides reliable, valid and useful data for informed decision-making in support of high quality programs and improved child outcomes. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Mix: One of these Kids is Not Like the Others Adirondack Barbara Boroson This engaging session provides practical strategies for teachers helping young students on the autism spectrum cope with adjustment, behavior, cognitive development, communication, engagement, inclusion, socialization, and more. Through a lively, informative PowerPoint presentation, along with professional and personal anecdotes, this session also provides effective, empathic ways to approach the challenging conversations that often arise with parents. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Defending young children's right to play: Confronting the challenges facing early childhood educators Cypress DE Mira Berkley Let’s come together to talk about ways to promote play in the lives of the children and families we serve. Both new and experienced teachers can benefit from reviewing challenges and opportunities we face, as we attempt to strengthen our understanding of the importance of play and playful learning. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Managing Challenging Behavior Catskill Challenging behaviors communicate unmet needs and lagging skills. Come learn practical strategies for: • Exercising positive leadership • Building relationships • Structuring productive environments • Coaching social and emotional skills • Actively intervening as needed |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Promoting Social Emotional Health Meadow Social emotional development is at the foundation of school readiness and lifelong health. This workshop will explore the multiple mechanisms and evidence based programs available to enhance the promotion of social emotional development in the early care and education (ECE) setting including: curriculum, consultation, professional development and mixed models with the goal of increasing knowledge and uptake of evidence based programs. |
8:00 am - 9:30 am | Motivating Staff! How are we going to keep them? Cayuga Debbie Silver Once you find really good staff, it is critical to do everything you can to keep them engaged and motivated. This workshop will discuss staff engagement and motivation which leads to better experiences for the children and families in the program. |
8:00 am - 11:00 am | Childhood Obesity and Physical Activity Onondaga Michelle Friedel Participants will examine and analyze the data between nutrition for children and obesity through viewing educational video and podcast clips, personal reflection, research articles, and group discussion. Participants will generate gross-motor games for children and prepare a nutritious snack. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Closing the Gap with Conversation Willow Rebecca Umstead This presentation will address the gap in vocabulary and language processing skills that develops when very young children lack adequate exposure to conversational language. By increasing both the quantity and quality of the language that they use with children in classrooms, teachers can make strides toward closing this gap. Includes audio and video clips from real classrooms. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Intentional Curriculum Planning Using the NYS Early Learning Guidelines Cypress AB Committed early childhood educators use the lens of child development to help chart the individual and unique path experienced by each child in the classroom. Using the NYS Early Learning Guidelines as a tool, we will analyze the development of children through video clips and then brainstorm intentional learning experiences to optimally facilitate their growth. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Cooperative Games and Activities Chautauqa/Canadaigua/Saranac Move and groove for the full 90 minutes of this workshop. Come ready to practice activities for preschool and/or school age children. Identify activities to use in your classroom that will encourage more cooperation among the children and share your cooperative activities with others. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Preparation, Preparation, Preparation - Receipts and More Briar Bonnie Caldwell, Early Learning and Care Representative, CSEA In this session participants will learn the three key recordkeeping rules that will save them time and money on their taxes. We will share the 2015 tax changes that affect their home-based businesses. We will discuss the business deductions that can help reduce their taxes. We will assist participants to calculate their time-space percentage correctly. Presenter: Bonnie Caldwell |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Strategies for Including Youth with Disabilities in Youth Development Programs Oak Laurie Penney McGee This session will provide tools to ensure that staff at all levels of an organization have the skills, knowledge and attitudes they need to ensure that everyone is welcome and included. Staff training, accommodations and policy development are all key to successful inclusion. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Infant Toddler Care and Education Credential Cedar In this presentation the participant will learn about the Infant Toddler Care and Education Credential of New York State. Topics presented will include how this credential is different from other credentials, the eligibility requirements and the process in order to earn the credential as well as the components of the course work will be discussed. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Comprehensive Support Services For Infants and Toddlers Tuscarora |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Team Building Through Teamwork Cypress C Tammy Schollard Participants will explore different aspects of team building as it relates to teamwork. Throughout the training the group will view multiple aspects of teamwork through different children's books and activities. Concepts addressed will include accepting of new staff, teamwork, problem solving/creativity and motivation. Participants will be prepared to create, establish and implement goals in their own programs upon the completion of this training. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Successful Outdoor Classrooms in Urban Environments Mohawk Kevin Carnes, President, Lakeshore Learning Materials An outdoor classroom spurs outcomes in all curriculum areas, but you can guarantee a child will learn to observe and discuss differences and comparisons among objects and materials, and as they explore the outdoors they will develop independence and confidence, enhancing their own concept of self and the greater world around them. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Watch Me Bloom - Planting the Seeds of Early Literacy Seneca Research proves there are six skills preschool children need to have to be successful in school. Using pictures and props, the presenter will demonstrate how to help children in your home-based program build these skills while having fun. Presenter: Rose McCabe |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Oops! I THOUGHT It Was Safe for Kids (EcoHealthy Child Care) Appalachian We all want to do what is best for children. Until someone tells us that our current practice, with every good intention, might actually harm children, we won't know what to fix. Come hear about safer choices. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Pre-K Assessments for Readiness, Writing, Literacy and Math: A Systematic Approach Adirondack Pre-K assessments are powerful tools for the early childhood educator to create effective lessons and monitor children’s progress. This session presents three simple, no cost, informal, and developmentally appropriate universal assessments that address children’s growth in crucial foundation skills and includes activities, an observation checklist, and an assessment record for ages 4-5. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Good Enough Never Is: The Benefits of Challenge and Change Oneida Gigi Schweikert Are you open to change? Most of us say we are, but the reality is, even good change can be hard. Think about it, we like our routine and the comfort of knowing what to expect. Most of us aren’t really willing to even sit in another section of the movie theater. Join us for this humorous keynote full of practical ways to “do things a little differently.” Let’s develop more positive relationships with parents, provide better customer service, and just do things better. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | The Director's Role in Building Quailty Teams Catskill JoAnn Toth Directors are faced with many challenges in order to provide quality experiences for children, and it all starts with building successful teams. Through discussion, activity and lecture we will explore: how to effectively with each other, and create a professional culture on a team by using The Core Body of Knowledge as a resource. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | IMPROV: Be a Stand Up Teacher! Cypress DE The classroom provides spontaneous improvisation opportunities to entice children's curiosity and enable them to approach new concepts which build on innate strengths extended through improvisational models. This will focus on improvisation techniques and will model how they work in a classroom, setting an atmosphere for children to encourage them to explore their world with the ability to adapt and adjust. |
10:00 am - 11:30 am | Lead with Purpose and Poise! Cayuga An interactive, strategy rich and targeted workshop engaging participants in discussion and activities that highlight leadership that is outcome oriented. Leading with poise takes a reflective look at personal and professional approaches that get the outcomes you need in your workplace, with your staff and in your career. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Math and Science with Infants and Toddlers Tuscarora Lynne Neri-Wright We know that school readiness begins in the early years. During this session we will explore strategies for incorporating math and science into daily activities and routines with infants and toddler. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Learning Outside the Box Willow Learning Outside the Box Learn how to make lunch time and nap time true learning experiences for the children in your care. Explore the teachable moments that we are missing during these daily routines. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Transition - It's an Action Word Chautauqa/Canadaigua/Saranac Victoria Seeger Transitions are a challenge for children and early childhood professionals alike. Developing approprirate transitions will help you move children throughout the day more productively and with less resistance. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Developing STEM Learning Experiences through Cooking Oneida Marianne Dambra Explore how you can include even more STEM learning through hands-on "cool" cooking with young children. We'll make several recipes that do not use heat and link them into your STEM curriculum. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | QUALTYstarsNY: Implementation & Expansion Cypress AB Ariel Davis This workshop provides an overview of QUALITYstarsNY, New York’s quality rating and improvement system. During this interactive presentation, we will provide an overview of QRIS systems, key components of QUALITYstarsNY, as well and recent data from program participants and expansion plans. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | School Readiness Onondaga Come and learn ways to promote learning and skill building in classroom through various fun and interactive methods. This workshop is an opportunity to learn hands-on, discuss stages of child development and learn how to best prepare children for school in meaningful ways. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Benefits of Outside Play Mohawk Being outside is important for many reasons. Come and hear these and see how you can make sure your outside time is varied and more fun! |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Expanding Social Emotional Learning with Community Partnerships Oh My! Oh How? Oh Wow! Oak Kimberly Luce After-School programs offer a unique opportunity for equipping youth with social and emotional skills. This workshop is designed to provide practitioners with the knowledge, practices and resources needed to integrate and elevate social and emotional learning into program design. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Rethink How to Do Math, Using the New ECERS-3 Cypress C Suzanne Dohm Math has been expanded to 3 items in the new ECERS - 3: Math Materials and Activities, Math in Daily Events, and Understanding Written Numbers. The session will demonstrate how using these items will enhance your math teaching. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Space - The Final Frontier! Briar Bonnie Caldwell, Early Learning and Care Representative, CSEA Learn how to make the most of the space in your home environment that will promote appropriate behavior for the children in your care. Since young children learn from their own experiences and explorations, they develop their potential most fully in a relaxed, rich environment that offers a broad range of activities. A well-planned daily schedule offers all that is needed to share a delicious moment with a friend, practice a new skill, or clean up a spill. Presenter: Bonnie Caldwell |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | You know that parent who you just don't like? Seneca Densie Dowell Good working relationships with parents support healthy child development and reduce stress for you in your day-to-day work. The presenter will teach skills and tools to support your work to effectively engage parents to build effective provider – parent partnerships built on trust. Presenter: Denise Dowell |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Active Play! Fun Physical Activities for Young Children Appalachian Diane Craft Learn fun, inclusive, developmentally appropriate physical activities that use inexpensive equipment, small spaces, and work well in family-based and center-based childcare, and preschools and kindergartens. View videos of 2-5 year old children playing these fun activities and try a few of the physical activities yourself! |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Curious About the Reggio Emilia Approach? Adirondack Jeanne Loysen Has your curiosity been piqued when you've heard your colleagues talk about Reggio Emilia? Come to this interactive workshop to discuss the basic tenets of Reggio, view photos/slides of Reggio-Inspired classrooms, and learn how teachers and young children together are encouraged to explore, question and discover in a stimulating environment. The presenters recently travelled to Reggio Emila, Italy to participate in the North American Study Group. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Strength Based Strategies Catskill Robert Lowery This training will teach you the concepts behind strength-based strategies and some practical lessons on how to incorporate them into your afterschool program and life. Much of society’s approaches to dealing with higher risk youth and disengaged families is through a lens of their weaknesses or problems that need to be “fixed.” This training will provide participants with 3 simple steps to the Strength-based approach. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | STEAM IT UP! Cypress DE Joan Koster This hands-on multimedia, multi-sensory workshop will present ways to design and carry out developmentally appropriate science, technology, engineering and mathematical learning activities through the arts. Participants will participate in a STEAM activity “Clouds” and leave with an appreciation for children’s need for sensory experiences, have the planning tools required, and the enthusiasm and passion for creating their own. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Leadership in a Child Care Setting Cayuga Levada Felder This training is designed to enhance professionalism, and improve leadership in a child care setting by examining ways to administrate, supervise and manage with foresight. Experience-building dialogue identifying program management techniques, detailing why administrative policies and procedures help provide superior quality service is discussed. |
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm | Taking small steps to make your classroom more DAP! Meadow Elizabeth Cercone Creating a DAP classroom may seem overwhelming, come and learn some easy ways to make changes to your classroom or gain new ideas for your classroom. Ideas will include open-ended art, small group activities, teacher-child interactions, family style meals and more! |
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm | The Power of One Positive Person Oneida Gigi Schweikert Have you ever thought about the incredible power you have to make a positive difference in the lives of those around you? The positive choices you make each day, the ways in which you help others, and even your smile can change the course of a day, and in some situations, the course of a life. Join us for this informational and humorous keynote session that will renew your spirit and affirm your commitment to working with young children and their families. One positive person does make a difference. Is that positive person you? It can be. |