Nordic IAPWS 2025 Website only

IAPWS Annual Meeting

22 - 27 June 2025

HANAHOLMEN - Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre, Finland


IAPWS is holding its in-person meeting in June. This meeting in Finland will be a great opportunity to share experiences, best practices, and problem solve with your chemical and engineering colleagues from across the steam generating industry.  A particular focus of the meeting will be the future of steam generation in the industrial world – encompassing new technologies as well as new modes of operation for existing assets.

Apart from featuring keynote addresses from international experts IAPWS encourage representatives from generators, suppliers, vendors, and sponsors to take this opportunity to present to your colleagues. IAPWS is committed  to developing and sharing knowledge on water chemistry and treatment for these industrial applications and the Annual Meeting is the key, in-person event to achieve this aim.


Sunday – registration and welcome cocktail function in the evening

Monday and Tuesday – working group meetings

Wednesday  - Full day Symposium & Conference Dinner

Thursday – IAPWS meeting working groups (am)  Tour (pm)

Friday morning – IAPWS Exec meeting



IAPWS is an international non-profit association of national organizations concerned with the properties of water and steam, particularly thermophysical properties, cycle chemistry guidelines, and other aspects of high-temperature steam, water and aqueous mixtures relevant to thermal power cycles and other industrial and scientific applications. IAPWS objectives are 

  • To provide internationally accepted formulations for the properties of light and heavy steam, water and selected aqueous solutions for scientific and industrial applications. (Official documentation of these formulations is under the Releases and Guidelines section of this website) 
  • To provide technical guidance, obtained by international consensus of experts, on cycle chemistry and technology for steam power cycles in fossil and combined cycle plants and other industrial applications. (These recommendations are expressed in IAPWS Technical Guidance Documents
  • To define research needs and promote and coordinate research on steam, water and selected aqueous systems important in thermal power cycles 
  • To collect and evaluate the resulting data, and to communicate and promulgate the findings 
  • To provide an international forum for exchange of experiences, ideas and results of research on high-temperature aqueous media 

IAPWS is organized as an association of member countries (or groups of countries). An Executive Committee, consisting of the official representatives of all members, conducts the general business at an annual meeting. 

On the IAPWS website ( there is a range of information. A number of Technical Guidance Documents (TGD) have been developed to aid in the control of chemistry. ( 



  • Monika Nielsen, Ørsted Bioenergy & Thermal Power, IAPWS President, Denmark
  • Jørgen Peter Jensen, Vestforbrænding, Denmark
  • Lars Gjedde, Norsk Analyse, Denmark
  • Arja Lehikoinen Valmet, Nordic IAPWS Chair, Finland
  • Mikko Vepsäläinen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland
  • Roger Lundberg, RL Aqua AB, Sweden
  • André Frank, E.ON, Sweden
  • Sara Sjögren,Vattenfall, Sweden