Tuesday, June 18
General Session
Breakout Sessions (10:15am - 11:30am)
Encouraging Senior Centers to be Learning Organizations
Standing Ovations with Impactful Senior Theater Programs!
SNAP Chat: Lessons Learned in Outreach, Benefits Assistance, and Innovative Partnerships
Calling Everyone to Partner in Improving the Health of Older Adults and People with Disabilities
Quality Evidence-Based Programs and Integrated Care
Does Status Quo Make a Sound? Reclaiming Relevance in a Competitive Market
Women Aging with Disabilities: Challenges and Solutions
ACL’s Innovations in Nutrition Programs and Services: What’s New in Nutrition
R.I.S.E. & Shine: A Model for Integrating Meal Programs and Social Services
National Institute of Senior Centers Leo Laks Luncheon
Breakout Sessions (1:00pm - 2:00pm)
Developing Relationships: Fund Development and Strategic Partnerships
A Case Study in Building Community Awareness: NPT Reports: Aging Matters
Improving Support for Family Caregivers in Diverse Communities
Accessing Benefits During Disaster Recovery
Evidence-Based Health Programs in Diverse Communities
Nonprofit is a Tax Status, Not a Business Model … Why Nonprofits Should Care about Earned Income
Resilience: The Antidote for Managing Change as We Age
Creating a State Falls Prevention Action Plan: From Talk to Action and the Role of Health
From Research to Practice to People: Building Better Bridges for Healthy Aging
Breakout Sessions (2:15pm - 3:15pm)
Helping Seniors Make Memories and Friends Through Life Long Learning
Rightsizing Strategic Planning for Your Organization for the Future
The LGBT Movable Senior Center
Opportunity is Knocking: BECs Can Make a Dramatic Impact in Serving Veterans and Rural Areas
Financial Literacy: Why it Matters to Older Women’s Financial Well-Being
Ready, Set … Site Readiness in the Implementation of Programs that Are Difficult to Implement
National Resource Center on Native American Aging’s Needs Assessment: Identifying Our Needs