Headline Sponsor

NCFE designs, develops and certificates NCFE and CACHE branded qualifications, apprenticeships, Functional Skills and more, with over 500 nationally accredited qualifications in NCFE’s portfolio.
All are supported by NCFE’s exceptional customer service and unique, friendly approach. Last year, 340,000 learners from 2,000 educational institutions chose NCFE to move their careers forward.
Visit www.ncfe.org.uk or www.cache.org.uk for more information
visit: www.ncfe.org.uk email: service@ncfe.org.uk call: 01603 215000 follow:@ncfe
Second Tier Sponsor
Smart Apprentices flagship e-portfolio Smart Assessor has just won the prestigious Global Excellence Awards: Most Outstanding E-Portfolio Tracking Software 2017 and welcome you to join us on Stand 18 at the AELP National Conference, to discuss how we can help you to deliver outstanding apprenticeships from recruitment through to end point assessment.
The opportunities presented by the increased apprenticeship funding from the employer levy are exciting for providers who are able to differentiate themselves and deliver what employers want.
Technology is key to delivering apprenticeships that meet the needs of employers, Ofsted regulators, apprentices and your own team with a modern cost-effective delivery model.
With all the changes to apprenticeships in 2018, does your current e-portfolio technology measure up?
p.s Don’t miss our thought provoking workshop on ‘How technology helps you win levy business with employers’ at the conference.
visit: www.smartapprentices.com email: danny.taylor@smartapprentices.com call: 01788 834669 follow: @smartassessor
Media Sponsor

FE Week is a weekly newspaper serving the further education and skills sector.
The paper is a lively read, offering a mixture of news, expert comment, features, technical information, job adverts, coffee break snippets and more.
It is written for middle and senior management working in colleges and independent training providers, and those interested in this sector, including government, policy shapers and other service providers.
We will again be producing and distributing a dedicated supplement during the AELP annual conference in partnership with NCFE, so look out for us and say 'hi'.
Subscription is from just £75 per year, and you can find out more at www.feweek.co.uk
visit: www.feweek.co.uk email: news@feweek.co.uk call: 020 8123 4778
Conference Registration Sponsor

Skills Training UK creates bespoke Apprenticeship and Traineeship programmes for employers, with a particular focus on individual and business improvement and has direct contracts with the Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). Skills Training UK also offers BTEC Technical Certificates for 16-19 year old learners looking to progress into Apprenticeships, Employment, or Further Education. The number of employers we work with continues to grow across a range of industrial sectors and we deliver Apprenticeships in all regions of England, and have study centres covering London, the South East, and Midlands. We were awarded a Good grade by OFSTED at our last two inspections and remain committed to the delivery of high quality, high performing provision.
Direct delivery under our own contracts represents the majority of what we do, however we also work as a prime contractor who sub-contracts to specialist partners and increasingly we are also a key partner to FE colleges and other direct contract holders for Apprenticeships, Traineeships and provision for unemployed young people and adults. In recognition of this, Skills Training UK has twice received the highest grade of Excellent for the Merlin Standard which measures supply chain excellence. We work across a range of Local Enterprise Partnership regions and work closely with Local/Combined Authorities to deliver skills and employability programmes which meet their local area needs.
We are keen to develop genuine partnerships with both employers and other education and training organisations; if you are interested in exploring how your organisation might work with Skills Training UK then please contact, Steven Mitchell, Director of Research Innovation and Development on the details below.
visit: www.skillstraininguk.com email: stevenmitchell@skillstraininguk.com call: 07860 695386
Writing Pads Sponsor
Aptem is the only proven end-to-end technology platform for the apprenticeship sector. It transforms provider efficiency whilst also delivering the data insights that drive continuous performance. Aptem is a generation ahead of many of the systems currently in use. With sophisticated workflows, immersive eLearning, paperless compliance and machine learning, Aptem can be used across apprenticeships, traineeships, study programmes, AEB and T-Levels. UK hosted on Microsoft Azure, as a single database solution Aptem massively simplifies GDPR compliance. With Aptem, the days of double-keying data, reconciling spreadsheets and chasing documents are long gone – replaced with a single, easy-to-use system.
visit: www.mwstechnology.com email: info@mwstechnology.com call: 020 7870 1000
Writing Pens Sponsor
Welcome to Bud
Bud is a powerful and intuitive apprenticeship management platform. Bud seamlessly combines application management, programme creation, learning delivery, workforce and learner reporting, funding management and more.
We wanted to simplify the delivery of apprenticeships and bring the many processes together within a single, intuitive software platform. Across two decades in the training and development industry, we’ve witnessed first-hand the challenges that can affect apprenticeship management. We knew there had to be a better way. That’s when Bud was born.
Bud combines a wealth of industry expertise and experience to provide a straightforward, fully integrated software solution that effortlessly overcomes the many issues faced by apprenticeship training/employer providers. Bud is designed to be a true end-to-end solution for the management and delivery of apprenticeship programmes and to help our customers focus upon the delivery of exceptional training.
To learn more about the Bud platform, visit www.bud.co.uk
visit: www.bud.co.uk email: info@bud.co.uk call: 01174400300
AELP Gala Dinner Wine Sponsor
Celebrating 50 years in 2014, Trainsure has grown to become the UK’s leading provider of insurance to the Training Industry. As specialists in our field, we know that Insurance requirements for work based learning providers are unique and diverse, so we work with our clients to provide flexible, practical solutions to meet their needs. We currently look after over 600 clients nationwide including many members of AELP.
The insurance market has changed dramatically over the last few years with an ever increasing number of Insurer’s products. Trainsure is able to cater for all your insurance needs and many of our clients have found working in partnership with us of great value in these times of change, as having an in depth understanding of your industry is invaluable when arranging insurance.
Trainsure are proud to announce our continued working relationship with AELP having agreed an exclusive package of benefits for AELP Members!
So, if you wish to discuss this further or arrange a meeting to review your existing insurance policies, please contact Wayne Cowley on the details below.
visit: www.trainsure.com email: waynec@trainsure.com call: 01274 206500
Conference App Sponsor
Innovate Awarding End-point Assessment
Innovate Awarding is a regulated awarding organisation and approved End-point Assessment Organisation for 22 Apprenticeship Standards. We take a ‘no surprises’ approach to our assessments to ensure that all learners have the best chance of success.
We believe in putting the employer and provider in the driving seat to revolutionise the way in which qualifications and assessment services are delivered.
Utilising technology to support our ambition is also important to us, and we work successfully with a number of technology partners to improve the learner experience.
Join Innovate Awarding and become innovators of the future.
visit: www.innovateawarding.org email: contactus@innovateawarding.org call: 0117 314 2800 follow: @Innovate_Awards
Conference Bags Sponsor
Smart Apprentices flagship e-portfolio Smart Assessor has just won the prestigious Global Excellence Awards: Most Outstanding E-Portfolio Tracking Software 2017 and welcome you to join us on Stand 18 at the AELP National Conference, to discuss how we can help you to deliver outstanding apprenticeships from recruitment through to end point assessment.
The opportunities presented by the increased apprenticeship funding from the employer levy are exciting for providers who are able to differentiate themselves and deliver what employers want.
Technology is key to delivering apprenticeships that meet the needs of employers, Ofsted regulators, apprentices and your own team with a modern cost-effective delivery model.
With all the changes to apprenticeships in 2018, does your current e-portfolio technology measure up?
p.s Don’t miss our thought provoking workshop on ‘How technology helps you win levy business with employers’ at the conference.
visit: www.smartapprentices.com email: danny.taylor@smartapprentices.com call: 01788 834669 follow: @smartassessor