Abstract submisson for Late Breaking posters is now open
Abstract book - download HERE
All presenters must register in order to submit an abstract.
Posters in the Late Breaking Results are not peer-reviewed and will not be printed in the conference program. At least one of the authors of each accepted poster is expected to be present at the poster during the entire poster session (afternoon on July 7, 2017 from 13:30 – 14:30).
Kindly note you need to register to the meeting in order to submit an abstract.
Please follow to the instructions below:
(2) Fonts and sizes:
- Abstract title: Use 13,5 points, bold, Times New Roman, Title should be centered.
Insert one blank line between the affiliations and the main text.
- Authors and co-authors and affiliations: Use 12 points, Times New Roman, please underline the main author, author's names, and affiliations should be centered.
- Abstract body: Use 12 points Times New Roman for the main text and left aligned. 2000 characters. Spacing and line spacing does not count.
(3) The abstract should be organized into the following sections: Abstract title, Author and co-authors, Background, Materials & Methods, Results and Conclusions. Insert one blank line between the: Background, Materials & Methods, Results and Conclusions.
(4) Upload abstract in word format.
Abstracts not complying with these criteria will be rejected.
Main author rule
(1) The main author is allowed to submit one abstract but can co-author unlimited times.
(2) The person submitting the abstract will automatically be the main author. You may not submit an abstract on behalf of another author. The main author cannot be modified for any reason.
(3) All presenters must register in order to submit an abstract.
Abstracts not complying with these criteria will be rejected.
- Seizure detection
- Seizure prediction
- Mobile devices
- Decision support systems
- Telemedicine
Deadline for Late Breaking poster submission is June 30, 2017.